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How should a husband and a wife treat each other?

5 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How should a husband and wife treat each other?

    With a deep friendship

    With kindness

    With Love.

    With consideration.

    With fidelity

    With honesty

    With making them your priority

    With compassion

    With empathy

    With gentleness

    With humour

    With communication

    With a willingness to make compromises together - as long as you aren't being asked to compromise on your core values and morals.

    With acceptance of who they are, and how they are.

    With a willingness to share your whole life with them - no feeling a need to hide part of yourself from them.

    With an understanding that you are two individuals coming together to share a life, not two clones of each other. So there will be times you disagree. Its in how you handle that which will tell how long and happy your marriage will be.

    With respect - even in those times you disagree.

    With an acceptance that your decisions now affect them, and making those decisions with that in mind.

    You both should be making your marriage your safe harbor from the rest of the world - where you find acceptance and loving companionship, a freedom from abuse, from bitterness and conflict.

  • rick
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    With respect. With courtesy. With a desire for their happiness, and well being.

  • 3 years ago

    Like boyfriend and girlfriend.

  • 3 years ago

    While I don't agree with Dr. Phil on everything, I like what he says about this. He says a husband and wife should start the day thinking "how can I make life a little better and happier for him/her today?" That can mean little things. I know a man who goes out on cold mornings and starts his wife's car so that it's warm inside when she gets in- not because she ever asked him to, but because he thinks of things to make her more comfortable.

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  • 3 years ago

    With love and respect!

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