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Do you think a time machine can be made in our lifetime? Do you think one has already been made in the future?

There are some people who say that certain pictures indicate that a time machine has already been made at some point in the future. They believe that certain photographs of out-of-place people and objects evidences this. I have seen some of the referenced pictures, and for lack of better explanation am for now forced to agree. "That's crazy" when I see the evidence for it in front of my own two eyes doesn't cut it as an explanation for me to not believe something. Without a better explanation and with the evidence at hand, I have to agree with them that it is quite likely.

The pictures in question feature clothing not too much unlike what we wear now.

Do you think time travel will be invented in the near future? In our life times?

What would happen to the time line if someone did invent a time machine?

If someone went back in time and changed something, would it create a new, alternative timeline or change the one from whence they came?


Also, this question got sorted into 'Politics & Government' 'Other - Politics & Government'.

Any suggestions on where this could go where I could see more replies?

4 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    You should read the Montauk Project by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I hope, if it's done, whoever travels realizes that they are changing the past simply by being there and are ready to accept the consequences of their actions.

  • 2 years ago

    Most people used to -- by our present day standards -- really dress up, every day. Of course there were those who just tossed on a shirt and a basic pair of pants and called it good enough.

    That's how we look like now on average. Being totally dressed up now is the exception. These things do not equal time traveling.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    If we did have a time machine, the military would probably be hiding it. it is far too powerful

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