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What Japanese Tea tastes like Coffee?

When I was in Japan I went to this traditional restaurant in Kyoto. They served us a complimentary tea (one that you usually have with dinner) but didn t tell us the name. I thought it might have been Green tea or Oolong but it tasted like a weak coffee, but like, in a good way. When i came home ot Australia I bought some Oolong and (roasted) Green tea of various brands but it didn t taste the same so I m really at a loss for what tea it was. Anyone have any ideas please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


So the restaurant's name is Manazara Honten, but I can't read a lot of the Kanji that is on there so if you are able to, plz halp.

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Funfact, google translate will translate webpages. Here’s what’s under soft drinks (teas were there too).

    Oolong tea, cola, Gingeraire, Perrier, Yuzu (Yuzu and honey) etc.

    It’s either a seasonal special or it’s oolong.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It might be Lapsang Souchon.

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