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  • What Do Ian's Mohawk Markings Mean in Outlander?

    Any specific meaning to them, or just a sign that he was considered one of them?

  • What was the British Army like just before WWI?

    Any info on how soldiers were trained and recruited and what it was like to sign up and especially what they did (battles they fought, where they were moved) **months before WWI actually started**. I can find heaps of info about the starting of the war and the opening battles and how recruitment centres were flooded with people etc but nothing about the troops themselves PRE WWI. Like, if someone joined the army months before WWI would they then fight in the first battles of the war? Who fought in the Battle of Mons and how long did the soldiers train for before they fought in Mons/when did they join the army in order to fight in that first battle?

    I'm writing my thesis about WWI next year and am struggling to find info about the British army (and Australian army) just before WWI started/was announced. I want to write about a man that joins the army just because he wants to make his father proud and then a month or so later WWI is announced and he suddenly has to fight in some crazy war.

    Any info of sources/links you can give would be great. Thanks, heaps!

    14 AnswersHistory3 months ago
  • Why Does my dog piss on my bed?

    For one he's not even allowed on my bed (and he's desexed), and I have very strict lines that I reinforce, he's allowed on the trundle (I have a very tall bed and I use the trundle as a step) but not the bed where I speel. He knows "get down" and follows it well and I reward him for that. 

    So I have three dogs, one that is eight and she is allowed on my bed, always has been and two brothers that are almost two years. They are both toilet trained more or less. Sometimes if I don't take them out quick enough in the morning one might crap inside but usually their pretty good. Except for the one that pees on my bed. We were going well, it had been maybe two months since the last incident and then I changed my sheets and that night he pissed on my bed. Then I put up a sleeping bag to sleep in and he peed on that too. Then I used my brothers sleeping bag and the next morning I take them out, they do their stuff and I come in, a few minutes later I hear the dog in question jump from the bed and lo and behold he's peed on the only sleeping bag I had left. Good thing it was waterproof.My question is why the flip does he keep peeing on my bed?! How do I stop it? He knows that it's wrong and he knows that it's good to pee outside, he doesn't poop inside, so why tf. Please hjelp.

    10 AnswersDogs5 months ago
  • How do you write a novel in an early 1900s voice?

    Any tips and trick pages or great examples of third person books/snippets that emulate that WWI era voice would be great. I don't really know if I'm doing it right or if it sounds authentic at all. Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 months ago
  • Any TV Shows like Watership Down?

    Or Zootopia, where it's from an animals perspective, can be animated or cgi, 3d or live action, even anime I don't care what language, but something where it's clearly an animal POV not like a hybrid or werewolf or furry BS but like full animal. Maybe human's exist maybe they don't. Give me whatever, thanks!

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 months ago
  • Any TV Shows or Movies Like This?

    Any shows like Belle, A the United Kingdom or Loving where there is forbidden love between a person of colour (can be African American, Asian, Mexican, Native Indian (that would be interesting) or anything of the sort) and a white person. It doesn't have to be that main focus can be just one main struggle, showing the hardships they go through etc. 

    I'd like more recent ones (within the last decade) I've watched A Monster's Ball, Guess who's coming to dinner and others like that but I don't mind. Whatever you can find.

    Thanks for the help in advance.

    Drama8 months ago
  • Any Games Like Supraland?

    First-person, puzzle, cartoonish/simplistic art style that rewards you for going out of bounds eg climbing mountains you didn't think were supposed to be climbed, or finding secret areas that are "out of bounds". Stuff like that. I really loved that aspect of Supraland. Anything like that would be cool, I love games that let you jump really high and let you explore areas and crazy vertical worlds. Thanks for the help.

  • Need help for a book.?

    So in the story, these people are trapped in this place and they have to figure out ways to evade this monster every six hours (has to be different every six hours). So I have one group that like sets off alarms and lures it, then another where they just run and lead in into traps to hurt it but can't think of any else. They can't just hide because it has supper hearing and if it's too quiet it'll just find them so any ideas??? I'm thinking of having one group try to trap it or incapacitate it for the six hours before it regenerates or breaks free but idk. Any ideas would be great! Thanks in advance. 

    1 AnswerHomework Help10 months ago
  • Where can I find this sound effect?

    Believe me when I say I have looked everywhere, like everywhere. I really need the voicemail full message for my assignment. The one that goes, "your messgae bank is full, please delete some voice messages" or something, anything like that. Like the assignment is due tonight and I m freaking out.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 year ago
  • Why do people do things for others even when they don't want to?

    For example, I'm thinking of like when someone is sad or upset and you know doing something (lets say going to the movies) would make them happy but you yourself don't want to, but you do it anyway. What feelings make people do this? Is it empathy, sympathy, compassion etc? Why do people do this?

    Thanks for your help.

    Psychology1 year ago
  • What is this quote?

    I can t remember it exactly but it s along the lines of:

    Everything I m about to tell you is nothing but a heartless lie, and all of it is true

    I can t remember where I heard it (I m thinking the opening of a book or movie). It s really annoying me. Thanks for any help you can give.

    Movies1 year ago
  • How long would it have taken for Birtish soldiers to get to France in WWI?

    How long would the ferry via the English Channel have taken? Similar to now or plus a few hours? How long were the trains to the front line? Any info you can give me would be much apriciated. Thanks.

    2 AnswersHistory2 years ago
  • Where is the following Buddhist quote from and how do I reference it?

    “This is not mine, I am not this, this is not my self.” or "This is not me; this is not mine, I am not this" or the like. This is for an assignment but I don t know how to find the religious text/s the quote comes from, I don t know the name of the text so I can t reference it. Does anyone know?

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • Can someone help me find this song?

    It's called Rhaliweni (Railway) by Sun Glen and is a traditional Shangaan Song. It is the first song played in the movie Duma, here is the credits full description:

    Rhaliweni (Railway)

    Traditional Shangaan Song

    Arranged by Philip Miller

    Performed by Sun Glen

    Courtesy of Worldgoround Records

    I can't find it anywhere online, not on google, or youtube, vimeo, spotify or anything. All I find is this

    but the website comes up blank for me. I can't even fidn where to buy it. If you could help me out that would be much apriciated. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerLyrics2 years ago
  • Is this a good title?

    So the story is about an alcoholic but it is very ambiguously inplied that he is an alcoholic (it s a flash fiction story, only 500 words) so I wanted to make it clearer what it was about without being too on the nose. What do you think about "Liquidated Courage" or "To liquidate (your) courage". Does this make sense? It s a spin on Liquid courage (meaning alcohol). Is this just a stupid idea? Thanks for your help in advance.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors2 years ago
  • What old Windows 7 Game is this?

    So I remember as a kid there was a windows seven game store where you could get free trials of games. There was this one game where you controled a village and you could level up the people and they could have babies and ect, but you couldn t go past a certain level (because I only ever got the free trial.

    The village was on an island (I think, or next to a large body of water) and there was no technology. I don t remember there being any fighting but I could be wrong. It must have been somewhere between 2006 - 2008 maybe even as late as 2010. I ve tried looking for this game on the windows store but I can t seem to find it (probably because it s so old). Does anyone know what game I am talking about? Or even the name of the windows 7 game store?

    Thanks for all the help.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games2 years ago
  • Is there another program that can open FLStudio files?

    So I got the free trial and I can t open saved files unless I pay 99$ for the full version, which I ain t doing. So I was wondering if there was another music program that could open the project I created in FLStudio? I know it s kinda a long shot but I can hope.

    Thanks for all your help.

    1 AnswerSoftware2 years ago
  • Is this sentence correct?

    "It sounded different than I had intended it to; than I had imagined it would."

    Than or Then?


    6 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 years ago
  • What Japanese Tea tastes like Coffee?

    When I was in Japan I went to this traditional restaurant in Kyoto. They served us a complimentary tea (one that you usually have with dinner) but didn t tell us the name. I thought it might have been Green tea or Oolong but it tasted like a weak coffee, but like, in a good way. When i came home ot Australia I bought some Oolong and (roasted) Green tea of various brands but it didn t taste the same so I m really at a loss for what tea it was. Anyone have any ideas please let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks2 years ago