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Any TV Shows like Watership Down?

Or Zootopia, where it's from an animals perspective, can be animated or cgi, 3d or live action, even anime I don't care what language, but something where it's clearly an animal POV not like a hybrid or werewolf or furry BS but like full animal. Maybe human's exist maybe they don't. Give me whatever, thanks!

2 Answers

  • John
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    other than what has already been mentioned, i'd check out beastars. it has a netflix anime and the manga is currently on-going. it's similar to zootopia in that it's a world of animals and there are conflicts between predator and prey, but unlike zootopia those conflicts are justified. the animals in zootopia were scared because carnivores were going savage, but that was only because of the nighthowler drug. in beastars, predation is a very real threat. carnivores still naturally want to kill and eat meat, even if it's illegal in the society of beastars. so it's less of a racism/prejudice story and more of a to what point should people be forced to suppress their true nature? and can that true nature change over time or are we slaves to our desires?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 months ago

    There was a late 90s early 2000s Watership Down cartoon and the original 1978 film, Plague Dogs, Animals of Farthing Wood, Back at the Barnyard, Land before Time series and Redwall TAS.

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