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How is the concept of jihad (greater and lesser) related to the Five Pillars of Islam?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    A person can battle the false teachings of Islam using the rosary and fasting.

  • Kin
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Jihad means to struggle and to strive for the sake of God. The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than a holy war. Its not just a holy war for the sake of God. Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle such as a believer's internal struggle. People's faith fluctuates, it goes up and down and believers struggle and fight for their faith and work on their connection or relationship with Allah. Although, all sincere believers never ever give up on the hope and mercy of Allah.

    Allah, may He be exalted, said:

    "My creation, Satan wants to take you away from Me but don't go."

    " This is a lifelong struggle between you two. He will pull you towards evil, but you should go towards righteousness."

    "And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. It is the religion of your father, Abraham. {Allah} has named you." - 22:78

    "This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion." - 5:3

    How is this connected or related to the 5 pillars? Because there is a real struggle in all 5, its an everyday real strive for God. Your soul is fighting every single day and against satan and you are to use your will power to uphold those pillars and your resources and to do the best that you are able to do for the sake of Allah.

    You have to strive sincerely to uphold all 5 pillars; Obligatory prayers {5 times each day and in the evening worshiping God}.

    Sometimes people are physically tired and the everyday demands of being human yet a believer is to stand up to those challenges and pray for the sake of Allah not only because Allah requires you to pray although people also pray out of love for Allah and willing to get up for His sake.

    To get up for the sake of Allah at anytime during the prayer hours, truly makes Allah happy and it benefits the believer and Allah will reward the sincere believer as well in the afterlife. Even when someone is ill with a cold or body aches or tired yet still gets up to pray for sake of Allah is truly rewarding for them and makes his Lord happy.

    My Lord Allah, may He be exalted, said:

    "Recite, {O Muhammad} what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do."

    - {29:45}, Al-Ankabuot, {the Spider}

    Furthermore, the accursed satan and his demons don't want people to get up for prayer and will try almost everything to make someone miss their prayer hour time because the accursed satan doesn't want a human believer to connect with God and be close to God which is through this prayer and wants some kind of barrier between a person and God because the accursed satan is jealous of such closeness.

    The whole prayer is a communication between a servant of God and his Master.

    There are consequences those who miss prayer deliberately and God is most merciful with those who are in hope of His mercy and forgiveness and His forgiveness is available to anyone who is alive and can repent sincerely.

    Also, when the call of prayer is announced for prayer, part of the call of prayer says, prayer is better or sweeter than the sweetness of sleep.

    Obligatory prayer{s} is one of the pillars and there is a real struggle every single day and certain people are exempt from praying for short periods of time or certain peoples in a certain condition as well.

    Declaration of faith is one of the pillars as well and the believer who prays, there is a declaration of faith mentioned in a believer's prayer and every single day, a believer would say; "I declare/ I witness there is no God except Allah and I declare/I witness the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is the messenger of God".

    This declaration of faith is the core of every believer, and believers always make sure their hearts are full of this beautiful truthful declaration and a true believer dies with this declaration of faith as his/her final word. So people are to strive in doing so to help their hearts full of the remembrance of God and to remember their Prophet until their dying word. And my Lord helps make easy for the true believer to say and to declare his/her declaration of faith as their final dying word when facing death. This is something all Muslims strive for and desire.

    Giving alms or compulsory alms for the sake of Allah is one of the pillars of Islam and Allah wants people to be giving for His sake and out of love for God and not be stingy. Stinginess is not good for the believer at all and not good for the faith of the believer and giving alms or giving more than the required amount of alms for the sake of Allah is even better if one is able to do so. It will make Allah very happy for giving charity for His sake and Allah has rewards for those who give 2.5% or more of their wealth for the sake of Allah.

    People who are generous and who contribute their share in charity for the sake of Allah will have beautiful rewards from Allah that will please them and they will be pleased.

    Those who don't give alms as required by God, will face a great consequence in the afterlife.

    Please see some interesting links later in the comments. I will post later, please watch or listen later.

    Fasting in the holy month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah, is a command of Allah and one of the 5 pillars. To withdraw from all human needs and desires for the sake of Allah during the holy month, truly shows the love of the believer has for Allah and still be able to obey Allah's command.

    Those who fast for sake of Allah, will have the rewards of fasting and a special gate they will enter through Heaven when people enter Paradise on Day of Judgement.

    And finally pilgrimage to Mecca for the sake of Allah and its compulsory. To worship Allah in the House of Allah during the holy months of worship and when not during the holy months but for the sake of Allah, truly will make Allah very pleased and to praise Him and to be in House of Worship is something all Muslims wish to have and strive for.

    My Lord LOVES to be praised so much and LOVES to be invoked every single day because He loves His servants and whomever calls upon Him. And the tears of a believer is precious to Allah more than the House of Worship {the Kaaba}.

    I have a very short good video about that and hope to post in the comments. Be sure to watch.

    Some people will be lucky enough to make to pilgrimage if people have the financial means to do so. And will have the special benefits of pilgrimage and the rewards of pilgrimage from Allah as well. And more.

    There are fascinating things that happen or occur when in the Holy Cities of Islam and my Lord is pleased with His guests who come to worship Him.

    "Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him you will be returned." - 2:245

    To strive for the sake of Allah is worth it and truly promising and my Allah wants to give the believers a good loan or rewards in the afterlife and wants to multiply their rewards more and more.

    My Lord will also reward those who exceed or do more for His sake and He will raise people's ranks in Paradise as well and more. And He will give them something more..something greater than Paradise itself as well. So people are to strive and struggle for Allah like the way He deserves to be struggled for and if people love Allah, they will willingly follow Him and will enslave themselves to Him.

    Please see the fascinating short links below in the comments.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I understand some pillars were recently destroyed in a jihad...

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