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Is this a good title?

So the story is about an alcoholic but it is very ambiguously inplied that he is an alcoholic (it s a flash fiction story, only 500 words) so I wanted to make it clearer what it was about without being too on the nose. What do you think about "Liquidated Courage" or "To liquidate (your) courage". Does this make sense? It s a spin on Liquid courage (meaning alcohol). Is this just a stupid idea? Thanks for your help in advance.

3 Answers

  • If your story is five hundred words, why are you wasting a big hunk of it trying to invent new phrase which you'll need to explain to make them comprehensible?

  • Marli
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Check "liquidate" and "liquefy" (or liquify. The Daily Telegraph says it's properly liquefy) in the dictionary.

  • 2 years ago

    It's hard to tell without having read the story, but as a title in and of itself, "Liquidated Courage" is unique and would definitely catch my interest. It's close enough to "Liquid Courage" to suggest alcohol, yet it's just different enough to make you do a double take and think about what the little change means. Meaning-wise, it would really fit if your story is about getting rid of courage ("liquidating").

    So to answer your question, yes, it is a good title, but only if it makes sense with the content and not just because it's a cool play on words :)

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