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What old Windows 7 Game is this?

So I remember as a kid there was a windows seven game store where you could get free trials of games. There was this one game where you controled a village and you could level up the people and they could have babies and ect, but you couldn t go past a certain level (because I only ever got the free trial.

The village was on an island (I think, or next to a large body of water) and there was no technology. I don t remember there being any fighting but I could be wrong. It must have been somewhere between 2006 - 2008 maybe even as late as 2010. I ve tried looking for this game on the windows store but I can t seem to find it (probably because it s so old). Does anyone know what game I am talking about? Or even the name of the windows 7 game store?

Thanks for all the help.

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