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Need help for a book.?

So in the story, these people are trapped in this place and they have to figure out ways to evade this monster every six hours (has to be different every six hours). So I have one group that like sets off alarms and lures it, then another where they just run and lead in into traps to hurt it but can't think of any else. They can't just hide because it has supper hearing and if it's too quiet it'll just find them so any ideas??? I'm thinking of having one group try to trap it or incapacitate it for the six hours before it regenerates or breaks free but idk. Any ideas would be great! Thanks in advance. 


Forgot to mention that the monster has only hearing and a tiny, tiny bit of scent. I've kind of limited myself hear but I like the challenge.

1 Answer

  • 10 months ago

    > They can leave a trail of "human traces" (like scent, footprints, dropped belongings, etc) that lure the monster into an endless loop, so that it keeps on circling around and around the same circle until it falls over from fatigue and falls off the trail.

    > They can booby trap its path to them with something flammable so that it gets burned and runs off screeching.

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