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Jehovah's Witnesses. What kind of thought process makes someone conclude that Jesus had appointed them over all his belongings?
For decades the Governing Body of the Jehovah's Witnesses claimed that Jesus had appointed them over all his belongings.
In 2013 they said this never happened.
Why would they think that in the first place?
And if it never happened, why did they proclaim to the world for decades that it did happen?

12 Answers
- 2 years ago
Similar cognitive reasoning via indoctrinal conditioning that convinces RC the Pope is 'God's Vicar on earth' + the wafer at communion mass IS ACTUALLY Christ's flesh! Or the Mormons to believe their Book of mormon is actually from Yahweh, then there's the trinitarians believing that a pagan religious belief morphed into their form of Christianity by RC scholars is Godly + true!
- RodLv 62 years ago
You could just about write a book on this subject on how people who claim to be followers of God and the bible can have their thought processes so radically altered --- to the point that if a person tells them this scripture and others means this and that...they will believe it even though CONTEXT should tell them otherwise.
I am of the view there are many commands and instructions from our Lord's earthly ministry to the HOUSE of Israel (Matt 15:24) that he never intended for us christians of the body of Christ the church (Eph 1:21-22 & Col 1:24) to follow.
The faithful and wise servant in (Matt 24:45) is one such example!
What's the CONTEXT of this scripture?
Our Lord Jesus began to respond to a question his disciples asked him in (Matt 24:3)
"...what shall be the the SIGN of thy COMING, and the END of the WORLD (or age)?"
The rest of (Matt chapter 24) is about events happening in this world BEFORE our Lord's coming (return) to this earth --- (v:45-51) is part of this as well.
Just who exactly is the faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household is difficult to identify. But it's' NOT us christian's of the body of Christ the church and it's definitely NOT the people of the WTBS located in Brooklyn, New York !
Jesus repeats this story in (Luke 12:42-48) but refers to the "faithful and wise steward" instead of servant. In (v:41) Peter referred to this story as being a "parable" Jesus was speaking to him and the others about.
Whether one accepts (Matt 24:45 and Luke 12:42) as a literal story or a parable --- the fact is, our Lord NEVER spoke this to the church.
Search the letters of Paul, James, Peter and John to the churches and NEVER do they call the church or anyone in it as a "faithful and wise servant/steward"
Source(s): KJV 1611 - DP.Lv 62 years ago
The simple answer is that JW teaching is confused and JWs use either ADT or PCD to avoid facing it!
(Advanced Delusional Training or Practical Cognitive Dissonance)
So for example... In the article..
... it clearly says ...
"Since then, the slave is all anointed Christians as a group who live on earth at any one time."
SO THAT IS CLEAR.. the FDS is comprised of ALL the anointed JWs.....but wait a minute!
"What about the Governing Body members who today make up the faithful and discreet slave? "
"similarly, today a limited number of anointed men have the responsibility of representing the slave class.
They make up the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
What about all those poor anointed JWs that thought they were part of the FDS and found out that even with their anointing they were wrong!
- Anonymous2 years ago
what makes you an authority
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- Kilroy JLv 52 years ago
Who appointed Noah the task of buıldıng an ark? Strange task but he was the one that obediently did just as he was asked.
- Anonymous2 years ago
The article to which you refer, explains how they revisited the scripture to come to a better understanding of it. That is why they call themselves 'bible students'. Theism is no different from science. Scientists continullay review their data to make it as accurate as possible.
- Bobby JimLv 72 years ago
The history of the JW's includes many instances of false prophecies. What else would you expect from such a faith belief system. False Prophets who alter and change the Word of God will have the impossible task of trying to convince God that they should be assign to heaven on Judgment Day.
- BJLv 72 years ago
Why do you waste your time tearing down JW's?
They believe this system has a short lifespan, now if it does not happen, then the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization will vanish, poof, disappear, but on the other hand if what they believe & teach, is true, then all of you will not be around, you will vanish, poof, disappear.