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Do JWs believe in heaven or paradise on eath? Both? I'm confused.?

11 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jehovah's Witnesses believe what God's word the Bible teaches on these subjects. Thus, they believe in both.

    The Bible teaches that heaven is the dwelling place of God. 1 Kings 8:49. The Bible teaches that heaven is also the dwelling place of spirit beings – angels. Job 2:1; Jude 1:6.

    The Bible teaches that earth is the proper dwelling place of all terrestrial creatures – man and animal. Indeed, earth was made and prepared lovingly for man. Genesis 1:1; Genesis 1:2-31; Genesis 2:7-9; Genesis 2;15-17; Psalm 115:16.

    Had Adam and Eve remained obedient and loyal, where would they be? Since death would only be introduced by sin and disobedience, it reasonably follows that had they remained faithful, they would still be here. Nowhere in scripture was heaven held out for them. “Yes,” some may say, “but we are tested on earth to see if we are worthy to live in heaven.” If that is so, why did God not test the angels before he let THEM live in heaven? He created them in heaven. And he created man on earth – indeed, created him out of the materials of the earth. God created angels in heaven because that is their proper domain. Earth is ours. What was the purpose of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice? The purpose was, among other things, to buy back what Adam lost. What did Adam lose?

    The opportunity to live forever in a paradise earth in perfection. Jesus provided the corresponding ransom - not for Adam and Eve - but for their offspring - for us. Psalm 37:10, 11; Psalm 37:29;Mathew 5:5. Does anybody go to heaven? Yes. John 14:3; Revelation 5:10; Revelation 20:6. Kings and priests. Now kings have subjects over whom to rule, yes? And priests have subjects on behalf of whom to serve, yes? For if all are kings, they rule over nobody. And if all are priests, they serve for no one.

    The subjects over whom the kings rule, the people on behalf of whom the priests serve are those who attain to eternal life on earth. What about those who have already died? What did Jesus say? John 6:39, 40, 44.

    Yes indeed, Jehovah's Witnesses believe both in heaven and paradise earth.

    Hannah J Paul

  • 2 years ago

    Both. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that 144,000 spirit-anointed Christians will share with Christ in his heavenly Kingdom, ruling as kings with him. (Revelation 14:1-3; 20:6) They do not believe that heaven is the reward for everyone who is “good.” To arrange for Jesus and the 144,000 to rule mankind is very loving. For one thing, Jesus knows what it is like to be a human and to suffer. Regarding Jesus, Paul said: “We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tested in all respects as we have, but without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15; 5:8) His corulers too have suffered and endured as humans. In addition, they have struggled with imperfection and coped with all kinds of sickness. Surely, they will understand the problems that humans face!

    The Bible teaches that God created the earth, not heaven, as home for the human family. His Word states that he “did not create [the earth] simply for nothing” but “formed it even to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) For how long? “He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.” (Psalm 104:5) Yes, “the earth is standing even to time indefinite.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4) It is God’s purpose for the vast majority of those who serve him to make this earth their home forever.

    Is there hope for the dead? Yes! The Bible shows that the hope for most humans who have died is to be resurrected. The vast majority of the dead are to be raised to life as humans on a paradise earth. (John 5:28)

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Jehovah's witnesses believe in Paradise on Earth like it was in the very beginning that's Jehovah's purpose for mankind. For a small group of people the Bible names that number is 144000. These people will be chosen by Jesus Christ to be priest local mayors and civil servants to help Jesus in the restoration of the planet Earth liaisons to go back and forth from heaven to Earth. Other than that Jehovah's witnesses purpose is to live upon a paradise Earth. if you happen to be one of those people that gets chosen to be a priest then that must have been what you really wanted to be a priest! I'm not crazy about the idea of abstaining from sex and carrying out religious duties for the rest of my life! My idea is to live on a paradise earth like God intended. but I guess there's one in a million person that wants to be a priest for all eternity. But I'm not one of them.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    J/W's believe that heaven is a spiritual realm where God, Jesus and the angels belong, and that earth will be cleansed of all wickedness anf will be restored to a paradise by those that are saved, or resurrected.

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  • Brian
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    We believe the Bible teaches that 144,000 Christian's will go to heaven to rule with Jesus over a crowd nobody can count who lives on the Earth.

    These 144,000 are people who lived from the 1st century until now.

    The rest who will be resurrected to a paradise earth to live in peace and security started with Abel and ends when Jesus arrives.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    According to scriptures, heaven is in earth doing on it as it is in heaven.

    And heaven as a place is not actually in time.

    Symptoms of Hell is in the world functioning apart from God - Cosmos - Taking bad things as being normal (Self justifying - Munchouses), ensconced in Zion burying Talons chasing Eden = Bad gen karma.


    In Hinduism - Sat Chit Ananda – Is Truth Consciousness Bliss (Moksha - Liberation)

    Christianity – Heaven (One with Christ)

    In the Zohar, the greatest kabbalistic work, the Torah is interpreted in reference to the Sefirot - They are Keter (Crown) proximity to the divine super-conscious of the soul.

    1 Beyond etc. -beyond the relative world which is a mixture of existence and non-existence. The world is said to be existent as it is perceived in ordinary consciousness, but to be non-existent as it is lost in super-consciousness. Knowing the nature of the world, the man of Knowledge is quite unconcerned with it. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XVIII – P138

  • 2 years ago

    My wife is a JW and I'm freaked if I know what she waffles on about. I simply frown and avert my eyes when she goes on about crap. All religions are dumb. Period. Gods! People walking on water! :D

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    I dunno what they think but I do know that the kingdom of god talked about by 1st century priests was meant to be an age of prosperity on earth (or in palestine) for the Jews.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Not when the Sun reaches 10 percent luminosity in 1.1 billion years

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