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Nocturnal animals can see well at night. Does that mean their eyes have evolved and mans eyes have devolved?

13 Answers

    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    "NOCTURNAL " ( clue look up word nocturnal means ACTIVE AT NIGHT make no direct statement about VISION ) animals can SEE well at NIGHT ( a FACT some animal can see well at night and some animals are BLIND )

    BATS have EYES and GOOD VISION and are ACTIVE at NIGHT aka NOCTURNAL and also evolved to have GOOD HEARING called ECHOLOCATION

    . BLIND ANIMALS star nose mole Texas salamanders some CAVE FISH EYELESS SHRIMP the Mexican TETRA

    . Question : does that mean THEIR EYES have evolved ... and ... MAN"S EYES have DEVOLVED ? .....

    . the AUTHOR is basically taking the PREMISE that ALL CREATURES had the same EYE EVOLUTION ... it STARTED AS X NOCTURNAL and then Changed or DECLINED in HUMANS ....

    . .. WHY are some animals NOCTURNAL and what is EVOLUTION

    simply CHANGE OVER TIME ... WHAT classifies a NOCTURNAL ANIMAL ... its NOT JUST VISION ... NOCTURNAL means they are more ACTIVE AT NIGHT .. . that these ANIMALS "SLEEP" during the day in BURROWS or DENS .. such as in the DESERT ... where the SUN and TEMPERATURES are HIGH and demanding on the species and being NOCTURNAL allows them to ESCAPE the HARSH EXTREME daytime heat over TIME special adaptations help them survive at night


    . my i suggest .. the AUTHOR take a CLASS or INSTRUCTION on HOW to WRITE A PREMISE ... a PREMISE is a previous STATEMENT from which another is INFERRED and follows a CONCLUSION and the TEST ABILITY is examined ... a proposition antecedently SUPPOSED or proved as a BASIS of an argument


    ALL WOMEN ARE REPUBLICAN . ( major false premise )

    .. HILARY CLINTON is a WOMEN ... ( minor true premise )


    Hilary Clinton is a Republican ( conclusion FALSE )

    line # 1 ..........ALL MEN ARE MORTAL

    line # 2.......... ARISTOTLE was a MAN


    Line # 3 ARISTOTLE was MORTAL

    now try writing one for ones EYE PREMISE .

    . NOTE something in line ONE must be follow in line two and then the conclusion to be TESTABLE

    DUH humans have NIGHT VISION we DRIVE in the dark .. have concerts in the park at night go out to restaurants . walk on the streets ... and unless your a NIGHT SHIFT WORKER who SLEEPS during the day we can also DANCE to the LIGHT of the MOON and harness ENERGY to make ELECTRICITY .. and flint for a FIRE and head lights and flash lights

    the reality is HUMANS engage in activities 24 HOURS a DAY 7 days a week perhaps one might want to start questioning some of the RELIGIOUS WOO WOO assertion deal with FACTS not SPIN

  • 2 years ago

    It means their eyes have evolved

    to serve them in a different environment

    than human eyes have.

    For example, dogs have

    about 4 times better night vision than humans

    (though it is most sensitive

    to the same blue-green color of light

    as human eyes,

    because of a similar light sensing protein

    we both inherited from a common ancestor)

    but their daytime vision is less acute than man's,

    (because of 4 times as many night vision rods,

    leaving less room for day vision cones)

    and their color vision is not nearly as good.

    Dogs see in mixtures of two colors,

    where man sees in mixtures of three colors,

    because our branch of the family evolved

    an extra color sensing cone type,

    after our last common ancestor.

    But we both share the same backwards retina.

    Guess why.

    Have you ever wondered why

    white tailed deer

    are that particular shade of orange brown?

    To a dog's color vision

    (and also to their ancestors, the wolves)

    a deer is the same color as green foliage.

    Wolf vision has acted as a selection factor

    for the color of many of their prey.

    This is one of the reasons man and dog

    have had such a long standing, useful partnership.

    Their teeth, sense of smell and night vision

    are superior to ours,

    but our daytime acuity, color distinction, tool use,

    and strategy and planning abilities are better.

    Before man and wolf teamed up,

    we were both wild animals,

    Our partnership allowed us

    to civilize each other.

    This partnership may have been

    more important to our recent, joint evolution

    than our ability to make fire.

    Farming with domesticated animals

    became possible, only after this partnership.

    Nomadic, tribal life

    gave way to towns and villages,

    because of farming.

    Homo-erectus became homo-sapiens

    and wolf became dog.



    John Popelish

  • 2 years ago

    No, it means that, because of their environment, some animals (a small percentage of all species, by the way) have evolved to have more sensitive eyes able to capture more light at night.

    Human eyes have not evolved in that way, because humans are daylight hunters, who track motion and color very sharply, because that's how our species functions. You might note that there's really no such thing as "devolution," and that animals with well-adapted night vision have relatively weak vision in daylight (when the animals that are a threat to humans are most active) and are not nearly as capable of seeing and interpreting color.

  • 2 years ago

    No, ours evolved to see better in the color spectrum, but birds are still way ahead of us in that.

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  • 2 years ago

    Those same animals cannot see well in bright light, so maybe they devolved in the way that you pretend the words mean. But the simple answer is NO. devolve means to undo what was evolved. Evolve has no direction, so evolution leads to different things depending on circumstances. There is no "one evolved versus one devolved" when you arrive at different places from the same starting location. The only way to devolve is to undo changes from having evolved. Go back to what used to be.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Nope it means our eyes have evolved in relation to our environments.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No there is no evolution involved. It means that is how God designed them.

  • 2 years ago

    No. Eyes evolved between twenty and forty times and there are many different eyes out there. Human eyes have evolved to be able to do the things humans do but there are eyes capable of more than human eyes. Some eyes can see ultraviolet light - many birds and insects for instance. Some, such as raptors, can see small moving prey from a great distance. Some eyes are very simple being able to tell light from dark but not much more. Nocturnal animals have developed eyes that make the most of available light and can see at night even with just starlight but they cannot see in complete darkness such as inside a cave.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The Human Eye is absolute cráp compared to most animal's eyes.

    Funny especially when, supposedly, the Christian god created us to be superior to any animal...

    I mean, it's almost as if the Adam and Eve story isn't true...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Their eyes did of course evolve, there is no such thing as 'devolved', human eyes just evolved to suit different conditions

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