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Wide angle for mobile phone?

I have a standard modern smartphone. It's great for zoom, but I want wide angle.

Without forking out a fortune for a dedicated camera, how can I get wide angle pictures from my phone.

I've tried those little £5 clip on fisheye lenses. They're OK, but only up to a point, then they disappoint

Anyone got any ideas for what would work better on the phone I have? Thanks.

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Moment ( ) makes a variety of phone add-on lens, including a wide-angle. But don't expect a good lens to be cheap. You get what you pay for.

  • 2 years ago

    Those disappointing add-ons are probably as good as it gets.

    A dedicated camera doesn't have to cost a fortune, though.

    This last weekend I bought a nice 10-year-old Panasonic digital camera in good working order

    from an estate sale for $5.

    Of course, getting that kind of bargain requires going to a lot of sales

    where you Don't find anything

    and knowing what you are looking at when you Do find something,

    along with the people having the sale not wanting a lot of money for certain items.

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