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  • Why would someone continue to persuade me long after I've already agreed with what they're saying?

    This regularly happens with one person I know, & it frankly gets me really annoyed (& yes, I've told them, so they know the effect their repeated asking has).  So why do they keep doing it?  You can't get better than yes!

    EG Will you do (whatever) for me?

    Yeah, sure, no problem.

    Please, I need it done

    Yes, OK, I've already said yes, I'll do it,

    It's really important, 

    Yes, I know, I'll do it.

    It needs doing so (whatever)..,

    Gotcha, I've said I'll do it,It needs doing so..... can happen,Look this is the 5th time I've said I'll do it, please stop persuading me!But it's important because....Aaaagh!!!!And I never break my word with my person, & I'm reliable, & I DO do it when I said I would.Your suggestions appreciated.  Thank you.

    Psychology7 months ago
  • How can I start training my voice to do vibrato when I sing?

    I can sing reasonably well & in tune & with decent ranges in volume & pitch.  But I've never been able to do vibrato.

    Is vibrato something that can me learned, or is it just a gift that some have & some don't?  Most people I know who sing with vibrato have never had to learn to do it, it's always been something they could do naturally with no effort.  So have I just got to accept I'll never be able to do vibrato?  Or can I train myself utterly from scratch?

    And if I can train myself how would I begin?  What would I have to do first, then what further vocal exercises would I have to do next?

    Could I ever reach a point when I also sing with vibrato as easily & naturally as everyone else?

    3 AnswersSinging1 year ago
  • Universal Credit and letting a spare room out to lodgers?

    If you lose your job and have no savings and go on to Universal  Credit, could you also let out a spare bedroom to lodgers without the UC being affected?  Or would all lodger income be deducted from the Universal Credit

    1 AnswerCredit1 year ago
  • How do I freeze all those annoying wiggly jiggly online adverts?

    Like on Facebook, or on articles that link from Facebook, or even below the box I'm writing this question on!

    I get it that these adverts are competing for our attention, but they utterly fail in their objective because they annoy me so much I'd never buy from them.

    I also get it that advertising pays for much of the online content we see. Yahoo Answers is almost ruined by the amount of adverts on it, for example. Commercial TV (in the UK) is now a waste of time, 6 minutes of adverts per 10 minutes of programme, but that's a different matter.

    I just want to stop all these damned annoying adverts wiggling & jiggling about & distracting me.

    Any suggestions for how to kill them, block them, or just freeze them? Anything to stop them being so damned intrusive & irritating & distracting?

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    4 AnswersFacebook2 years ago
  • How do I set my mouse to work with my rotated monitor?

    I have a computer monitor that rotates 90 degrees, so the screen can either be landscape or portrait. The default setting is landscape. Trouble is when I turn the screen 90 degrees it's virtually impossible to control the mouse, which stays set for the landscape orientation. So I'm looking for help with how to set the mouse so it works on the portrait orientation too. I'm running Windows 7.

    1 AnswerMonitors2 years ago
  • Did Stone Age people cut their hair?

    I guess not, it would be tough with flint tools!! So did their hair just grow long? If they did cut it how did they do it?

    6 AnswersHair2 years ago
  • Why are so many cats white underneath?

    Lets just get this out the way first. Siamese ones aren't, nor are black ones, and nor are some others.

    But that leaves a heck of a lot that are.

    Having just borrowed a cat to look after it while it's owner was on holiday, I was struck by how much time that cat spent washing the white parts of it's fur.

    Makes me wonder if white underneath has some evolutionary or sexual attraction advantages, because the amount of time & energy invested in keeping that white fur clean has to be at the expense of something else.

    So why are so many cats white underneath?

    To me it just seems the most impractical colour with the ease with which it gets dirty. Then it just needs cleaning again!

    4 AnswersCats2 years ago
  • Wide angle for mobile phone?

    I have a standard modern smartphone. It's great for zoom, but I want wide angle.

    Without forking out a fortune for a dedicated camera, how can I get wide angle pictures from my phone.

    I've tried those little £5 clip on fisheye lenses. They're OK, but only up to a point, then they disappoint

    Anyone got any ideas for what would work better on the phone I have? Thanks.

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans2 years ago
  • How do I start a new Facebook page?

    I still want to keep my first facebook page. But I want a second one.

    So do I have to use a totally different name for that page? Not the same name as on my first page?

    Do I have to have a totally different email address for the second page?

    Ideally I'd have the same name & email address for both, but when I tried that it didn't work.

    2 AnswersFacebook2 years ago
  • Why are pants (underpants if you're American) plural, & bras singular?

    Why do we talk about a PAIR of pants, yet a SINGULAR bra? Surely a bra is the most plural of all our items of clothing, while your (under) pants are the most singular? We don't talk about a pair of shirts (two arms) or a pair of vests (two arm holes), yet we talk of a pair of pants (two leg holes). I just wish someone could explain this anomaly to me, please?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Who will be the next British prime minister when Teresa May goes?

    And for what reason do you think they're likely to get the job?

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • What actually is the backstop?

    I mean in Brexit. I know it's to do with not having a 'hard' border (ie a wall), but what are the terms of the current 'backstop', & why are they so unpopular? Thank you.

    3 AnswersImmigration2 years ago
  • I've spotted some of of God's mistakes. Do you agree?

    One, his expectations of mankind. God, who made mankind, with our weaknesses as part of his design, gave us a temptation too great for us in the garden of Eden. So we ate from the Tree of Knowledge as he well knew we would.

    Second, he knew Cain's weaknesses in the Cain & Abel story. Then we went & rejected Cain's offering. No one likes having a present thrown back in their face, yet this is just what God did with Cain. If it happens to you this Christmas you'll know the feeling too.

    Then when Jesus was about he had Jesus destroy the fig tree for not bearing figs out of season? But how could the fig tree oblige? It was an unfair expectation.

    Peter denied Jesus three times, then repented & was forgiven after the event. Judas also repented after his betrayal, but Judas (literally) had hell to pay.

    To give another analogy (deliberately crazy, but it makes the point) if you have a Relaint Robin car & drive it down the motorway at 80mph the car will most likely overheat & blow up. It will fail anyway.

    So should the car then be punished when the expectations put on it were way over what it was designed & built to be?

    Yes, it's easy to say God isn't real & that religion is silly. Many non believers do say that, & I accept their points. But I'm not looking for that type of answer here.

    I'm asking believers for their explanations for the examples I've given above. Especially since God knows all our weaknesses and what it's REALISTIC to expect from us.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years ago
  • How can I stop cats from poohing in my garden?

    This is a repost since the last time I asked this it got no replies.

    I live in a high density housing area in a Victorian terraced house. There s virtually no gardens where I am, it s virtually all just concreted back yards. But I do have a small garden, it s about the size of two parking places, it s mostly lawn but has bushes round the edge. The problem is all the local cats come to use it as their toilet, & most of them don t bury their pooh. I don t mind the cats visiting my garden, but is there something I can do to stop them poohing in it? Maybe like spraying areas with lemon juice or vinegar - or anything else? Any advice welcomed. Thank you.

    26 AnswersGarden & Landscape2 years ago
  • How can I remove the effect of over-curried meals?

    I'm on a weight watchers diet, but most of the weight watchers food my locat Iceland supermarket sells is lovely except it's ruined by curry or other spices that are far too strong. I want to keep eating the prepared food, so please don't tell me to prepare my own (I'm a terrible cook anyway), but what I'd love to do is be able to add something to the meal to take the curry effect away, or cancel it out. So what could I add that would make these otherwise fine meals edible? Thank you.

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes3 years ago
  • Is there a way of posting photos to Facebook in such a way that others can t copy them?

    Yes, I know you could decide not to post them, that would work, but the problem is more of posting photos & having them totally ignored, then someone else copies & posts those exact same photos & gets load of likes & comments, which, quite frankly, pees me off! The people liking & commenting are in my friends list as well as that of the copier. So what s the solution, please?

    4 AnswersFacebook3 years ago
  • Why is maths plural in the UK, yet singular in America?

    UK - maths

    America - math

    2 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Which brands of tobacco have least tar & cause least teeth staining.?

    It is obvious, & understood that not smoking at all is best for teeth (& health generally). It is also accepted that vaping may be better for having less staining & tar. That is a given so please don't say that. Thank you.

    So with those two answers out of the way which actual burned tobacco is best for least tar & for least teeth staining. Thank you.

    1 AnswerDental3 years ago
  • How to I stop getting computer interference on my FM radio?

    The interference is caused my having a laptop computer near to the radio. Yes, move the laptop, but that's not an option, nor is move the radio. Please don't suggest either of those! Also please don't suggest pull the computer mains lead out! That does solve the problem, but I'm trying to preserve the laptop battery when it's used at home! Sorry to be a bit awkward here! What I'm hoping is for ideas, maybe some sort of screen or shield device, but basically anything that works to remove the 'white noise' effect that happens when the radio is on & the laptop is on at the same time. The radio is large & shares a table with the laptop. If either could be moved elsewhere I would, but workable space is at a premium! Thanks for any help.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 years ago
  • Does anyone actually WANT personalized ads?

    By ads, they mean adverts. Now I don't know about you, but I never come online for adverts, especially not to Yahoo Answers, or YouTube, or Google, or Facebook. In those places all adverts just get me cross. And to have some creepy voyeur spying on all I do to justify them deciding what I want to see adverts for, just gets me even more cross.

    So am I alone in that? Or do most people actually WANT to be spied on to justify all these unwelcome adverts?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam3 years ago