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Lv 7
Zol asked in Social SciencePsychology · 7 months ago

Why would someone continue to persuade me long after I've already agreed with what they're saying?

This regularly happens with one person I know, & it frankly gets me really annoyed (& yes, I've told them, so they know the effect their repeated asking has).  So why do they keep doing it?  You can't get better than yes!

EG Will you do (whatever) for me?

Yeah, sure, no problem.

Please, I need it done

Yes, OK, I've already said yes, I'll do it,

It's really important, 

Yes, I know, I'll do it.

It needs doing so (whatever)..,

Gotcha, I've said I'll do it,It needs doing so..... can happen,Look this is the 5th time I've said I'll do it, please stop persuading me!But it's important because....Aaaagh!!!!And I never break my word with my person, & I'm reliable, & I DO do it when I said I would.Your suggestions appreciated.  Thank you.

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