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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 13 hours ago

Why are there people who do not look you in the eyes?

There are people who do not look you in the eye and if they look at you, they look at you in a strange way like scared, with a phobia of something. And I can see that there are many people with this type of problem, and the worst thing is that it is very contagious and it sticks to you. Since I saw myself, seeing people strangely.

6 Answers

  • Culture plays a big role

  • 5 hours ago

    Well its funny, yes a lot of people have trouble looking you in the eye. Im quite happy making strong eye contact, but still often avoid it, especially for the following reasons:

    1) dont want to come across as challenging and hostile

    2) dont want to scare or come across as creepy

    I know one guy that just stares at you while in conversation, no blinking and no looking away... it is rather weird

  • 6 hours ago

    It is fear.

    You do not know if it's a nut.

  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    12 hours ago

    I did an experiment at one of my jobs to se how many people gave eye contact. My eyes are brown so I  wore one clear contact and a bright blue one in the other eye. 


    Fear and insecurity are 2 reasons 

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  • James
    Lv 5
    13 hours ago

    Because they are used to people being so cruel. 

  • 13 hours ago

    I just dont want to look a dude in teh eyes its what i do with a woman i like , it feels gay, its like touching weeners together 

    Source(s): looking someone in the yes is for fit women only
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