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Lv 7

How do I set my mouse to work with my rotated monitor?

I have a computer monitor that rotates 90 degrees, so the screen can either be landscape or portrait. The default setting is landscape. Trouble is when I turn the screen 90 degrees it's virtually impossible to control the mouse, which stays set for the landscape orientation. So I'm looking for help with how to set the mouse so it works on the portrait orientation too. I'm running Windows 7.

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Mouse motion landscape to portrait.

    Hardware--rotate mouse 90* and hold under palm, rest thumb and forefinger on the mouse buttons.

    Software--modern video driver pixels YX for XY setting is sent to mouse driver in modern OS.

  • keerok
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    When you turn the monitor, the resolution should adjust too so the mouse can follow accordingly. There's a utility associated with the video card that can set that properly. After installation, it will sit on the system tray and can easily be accessed with a right-click. Before rotating the monitor, adjust resolution first.

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