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Does the BIBLE say anything about 2 suns in the last days?

I have seen posts, gotten emails from other prophesy students, saying that there is suppose to be 2 suns in the end days.

I have steadied prophesies on and off for almost 20 years, and I have never seen anything about 2 suns.

I admit I could have missed something, there is so much to study and try to keep track of, but I am sure if The BIBLE said anything about 2 suns, I would have found something in one of my books, or videos, or audio books, or just read it in the BIBLE.

3 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    No, it doesn't.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    No. It says Jesus will moon us twice in the last days.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Yes, I think there's some truth to this...

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