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Shouldn't the United States do away with the EPA?


John R: As I have stated before, The river incident in Cleveland happened and was solved before the EPA. So the EPA did not solve that. Get it?

Update 2:

John R: I am 78 years old. Ha! Ha! I have a close friend who was at Cleveland's Mayor's side during that incident. Ha! Ha! The Mayor caught his beard on fire. So try pushing your BS (Bad Science) on someone else. How much more wrong can you get. Ha! Ha!

Update 3:

John R: I didn't say the Mayor solved the problem. Look at what I said. Closely now and don't go too fast or your brain will explode. I clearly stated that the problem was solved BEFORE the EPA and I didn't say WHO corrected the problem. You should go back to school and learn English Comprehension.

Update 4:

John R: As you say, "And my point still stands:" Ha! Ha! Only in your own mind. Sane people do not think that way.

There was this guy out in a small town in Kansas who was standing on a street corner snapping his fingers.

Someone asked why he was snapping his fingers.

He replied, "I'm keeping the elephants away."

The asking person explained, "That's ridiculous. We haven't seen an elephant around here since the circus stopped coming."

The man shrugged, "See what a good job I'm doing?"

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    democracy sure hasn't done anything to weed out the amount of morons with bright ideas about government policy

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Not at all. It is needed more than ever, but with good leadership.

  • 2 years ago

    Only anyone who is completely insane would suggest that.

  • martin
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    There are many environmentalists, and the Green Party is increasing in membership as Global Warming activists increase in numbers. Doing away with the EPA would meet with strong resistance.

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  • John R
    Lv 7
    2 years ago


    When was the last time you heard a comedian making jokes about the smog in an American city? It used to be a common occurrence (both severe smog, and jokes about the smog). When was the last time you heard of an American river so polluted it caught on fire?

    Do you know why if you are under 60 you've never heard of these things happening in your lifetime? The EPA.

    As to your edit, The Cuyahoga River catching fire 13 times was one of the things that prompted the creation of the EPA.

    Cleveland's Mayor had little to nothing to do with cleaning up the river - the entire river from Akron to Cleveland was so polluted it was devoid of fish, he only had domain over the last few miles.

    . And my point still stands: Since the creation of the EPA, no such long term environmental disaster has occurred

  • R R
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    If you want pollution to be as bad as it is in china then yeah. Google pollution issues in China, google Cancer rates in china.

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