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Makayla asked in HealthMental Health · 2 years ago

Ever since I started taking an antidepressant/anitanxiety pill, I feel worse?

I’ve been struggling with OCD and anxiety for a long time. I hate it. I recently started trying to fix it and I got prescribed with a medicine called Zoloft. The psychiatrist said that the first few days of taking it my symptoms may feel worse, but it’s been a few weeks, and right now I feel worse than ever. Kinda like I wanna die. Idk what to do. Everything is getting to be too much. I need a break. From everything.

4 Answers

  • M.P.
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    I flushed all my zoloft down the toilet after 2 weeks. Then I went to a different doc and flushed what they gave me too. Since then (20 years) I've just accepted that maybe I don't need to be nice or like everybody and everything, maybe I'm just an antisocial *** who likes to be left alone and hates most people. I have 3 amazing friends, a fantastic husband and 2 perfect kids who all love and care about me. I hate & shun the rest of the world and my people all accept that, most importantly, I accept myself. So what do I need to be medicated for?

  • justin
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    I care. im sorry... God is testing you to care. to want the best for everyones soul love god and love good peopel when its hard. If I cna help send me a mesage my kik is gerberstuffbabies my email or usa my text now number is 717 516 0310. Depresion is a disease and u must fight back. I've been thru this, know many friends who are working thru it with my help. u must see thru this illusion . If I didn't care I wouldnt bother replying . Therfore I do care . Therfore i want u to reply. For me accepting that god loves me and wants the best for me and pushing away/blocking negative thoughts and feelings helps alot. Create a rubber band like forcefield within the center of ur mind and use it to push slowly but forcefully all the negativity out of ur mind. Pull urself within this rubber band force field and use it to create some space inside that u can have hope and faith that god will make right all wrongs if u can. Another trick is to put things in perspective. To see the world and ur life as a short temporary schooling for ur soul where u whould try to learn what u cna when u are here cause afterwards is an eternity of perfect bliss and good things. if u cna do it right it often will make u feel ur negativity melt away. All pain and suffering will be reimbursed he told me and it will not be a 1 to 1 ratio but 100 to 1. some pain types differ like oppression which is even more so. So do not allow the sadness to win.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Give it time to even off. It's a great medication.

  • 2 years ago

    Your psychiatrist might need to prescribe you a different medication. It's definitely worth talking to him about.

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