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What would you tell your BFF who hates your husband?

My BFF told me that she hates and can't tolerate my husband because he is a republican and he is not welcome to come to her parties, but I can.

10 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    I'd tell her that it's a shame she's let politics come between you. Tell her you're sorry she's upset right now but that the political winds shift constantly and you hope she'll be your friend again some day. Point out that you won't be going to her parties alone because that would undermine your marriage.

  • 2 years ago

    I'd likely meet her for lunch regularly if I really liked her (no bad rapping of husbands) but skip her parties. For me, the stress of going to a party where you have to be a Republican to be welcomed would just be icky. Lots of conversations going on I know I'd not be welcome to join. What's the point? Skip the parties. Keep a friend.

  • 2 years ago

    Hate is a strong word. That's awful. I'm a liberal and my boyfriend actually says he's a conservative/republican. Well good for him, i guess? I don't discuss this stuff with him but if he's such a patriot and republican (between you and me) why hasn't he voted? Seems to me he has no right to say anything. But i keep my mouth shut.

    I don't really care what political party another person follows, to be honest

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Get new friends, what you husband's politics are is none of her business.You tell her you come as a pair, or you don't come at all.

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  • 2 years ago

    hahahha. thats absurd. its vine more absurd that you call her your BFF. I dont why she hasnt told you yet but her and I talked about this and im her BFF now.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Too bad you have no choice

  • Trump is a toxic, terrible human being. Anyone who supports him must be the same, so I don't blame your friend. I shun his supporters too.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    i would tell her to go and fck herself with smth sharp and delete he phone number

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    Tell her that if she thinks it is "Democrat Morals" to try to sow discourse and cause fighting between a wife and her husband, and to try to divide families... and if she thinks it is Democrat Morals to hate, attack, and ostracize anyone who thinks differently than she does... then you don't agree with her democrat political views either. And tell her you won't be attending her parties without your husband, because you won't allow someone else to disrespect or socially isolate your husband, and that if she wants to lose you as a friend, that is her choice and her loss. And add in that if she continues with this anti-social kind of behavior, you'll be sure to tell all of your other friends the unfair, bad way she treated you and your spouse.

    And I'm not even taking a side on her or your political views here, but honestly, what she is doing is 100% wrong. And it would be wrong of you to indulge her, or to reward her bad behavior. It would also be wrong for you to do that to your husband. If she is going to act like this, your only real choice left is to tell her sorry, but you won't be attending.

    I would say the same thing if she was a republican and your husband was a democrat and she was attacking him for being pro choice, pro open borders or liking Obama or Biden.. People are ALL allowed free speech in America, EVERYONE is entitled to have their own beliefs, their own morals (as long as those morals are legal and dont involve criminal activity), etc. 50% of the country is Republican, the other 50% is democrat, so she needs to stop attacking anyone who feels differently than she does.

    She's being a classic narcissist, tbh.

    Parties are only fun for a night. But going can harm your marriage, and worse, is that it will harm your soul and you will feel lower-value and less of yourself if you actually attend her parties when she treats your husband that way. By doing that, you would be shaming your own family and also yourself.

    Further, if you go without your husband, he will (rightfully) have lost trust in you, as you were hanging around competing sexual males and drinking alcohol at a party he wasn't allowed to attend. That would be a marriage-killer. At the very least, he can and probably would do the same thing... go hang around competing sexual females without you around. That wouldn't be cool either way. So don't do it to him. That's just my 2c

    PS: Your friend is PURPOSELY putting you into a very difficult spot because she is TRYING to ruin your marriage. You should treat her like an actual enemy, because that's what she is trying to be. She is trying to destroy your marriage. Be wise enough to not let her

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You have to stand by your husband and not go

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