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Never want to own a house or property!! Something wrong with me?

A lot of people I know in their 40s (close to my age) are looking to or already own homes/land etc and to be quite honest, I have NO want or desire to own and maintain a home, pay property taxes or even buy a condo/co-op where it's basically buying an apartment and you're living close to other people.

I've rented my own place for over a decade and I like not having to find a repair man or deal with house issues ( eve though I rent an apartment in a private house, I have minimal responsiblities and restrictions!!)

A friend of mine went on and on about how her and her hubby are pricing land to buy a house and fix it up - and I don't want to seem immature or un-adult like, but I would never want the burden of owning property and putting additions on a home, dealing with contracts.. etc.

Am I just spoiled by renters' life?

Also, we live in NYC and it's crazy expensive to own anything!!

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There's nothing wrong with you. Plenty of people your age and beyond prefer renting as opposed to owning a home. I will say that not as many people are as lucky as you. I have only run into a handful that have a good, quiet place to rent where the rent hardly goes up. That's very rare.

    I've been renting for 14 years and have had good apartments and bad apartments, but my husband and I have always wanted to own and we do now. That's just what we want to do.

    So you lucked out, got a great place, and don't want to change. Ok, nothing weird about it. Many people feel the same. They don't want the responsibilities that come with a house. Doesn't make you immature or silly at all. You just like what you like.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the GOD OF HEAVEN WILL SET UP A KINGDOM THAT SHALL NEVER BE DESTROYED, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, AND IT SHALL STAND FOREVER,

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You have hobo fetish

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    no, lots of people prefer to rent.

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  • 2 years ago

    Rent in NYC is crazy. My sister lived on Park Row across the street from the Woolworth building and her rent was $3,500 a month for a weird triangular shaped unit with floor to ceiling windows on two sides out of three. That rental was three and a half times my monthly mortgage, which included my property taxes and my home owner's insurance, for a 1850 sf 4 bed 2 bath house.

    Just like you think it is insane to want to own a house, I think that people who pay tens of thousands of rental costs per year are crazy. Okay, maybe your rent is not that much.

    I think some people just do not want to be bothered with maintenance and that is perfectly okay. I have always lived in a single family home, so I have no clue what apartment life is like. Maybe one day when I am older, I will downsize to a condo and give away all of my yard, lawn and garden tools.

  • 2 years ago

    So rent the rest of your life. What's so wrong about that?

  • 2 years ago

    To each his own. The numbers say it's a better financial choice in the long run. That aside, you're gambling that you'll always be in a good renting situation. At some point your landlord will sell or want to have the space back for themselves. Then you're forced to move at current rents even if you don't want to or financially can't.

    You already pay for everything you mentioned you don't want to. All the owner's expenses, including property taxes and maintenance, are included in the price they choose to charge you. The only piece you wouldn't be able to get around easily is finding someone to do repairs if needed, but once you find a good person that becomes easy as well.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It's your call. In urban areas renting can make more sense. It also gives you more flexibility. On the minus side, you're at the mercy of the landlords. I have a co-worker who lived in the same apartment for almost 20 years. Then the area gentrified. The building was sold and she obviously had to move. She could no longer afford to live in her old neighborhood, because rent had skyrocketed from $500 or so per month to over $1500 per month. She now lives almost 40 miles away and has incredibly limited access to public transportation. It's destroyed her life. That kind of uncertainty makes me really nervous.

  • 2 years ago

    When I bought my first rental house I said I needed $750 to cover costs not including the mortgage. That same house now rents for $2600. I think there is a high percentage of renters in NYC though. Remember that a house is a financial investment so if you are not paying a mortgage you should be saving 10% to 15% of your income for retirement. I had a house and also saved 10%.

  • Mark
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    If you want to do that, fine. I'm not going to scold you for basically flushing your money down the toilet.

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