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Why is the Tyrannosaurus Rex so popular, or is it overrated?

As a dinosaur fan from childhood, I have noticed things like movies, coloring books, and other various sources of media that the T-Rex is among the most popular (if not THE most) popular dinosaur. However, the Rex is honestly not my personal favorite.

I do not hate the T-Rex, but everywhere there is dinosaur media, it has to include it like its a law or even a commandment.

But asking those who love it or not, is it your favorite dinosaur (if so, why?) or is it just overdone and overrated?

2 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    because he's got the most impressive set of jaws and all those scary teeth. 

    kids love that. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    i think it's because it's aggressive and on land doubt it's the biggest but because it's so damn aggressive it's more eye appealing. kind of like the whole "Lion king of the forest" thing 

    other then that idk. 

    my personal favorite was the anklyosaurus i believe it's called the one with the ball on it's tail. i liked it because it was different. got dinosaurs with spikes and sharp teeth and shet but this mfer has a fking ball on it's damn tail! 

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