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End of my marriage?

I’ve been married for 9 years. We have been having issues for about 2 years. She has had health problems recently. She can’t work so I’ve been the one working. We lost our house because she couldn’t work and I don’t make enough money so we now live in a small apartment. we both where chill and never fought before her health issues but now we both get angry over small stuff. We never have sex and if we do it’s more for me then her. I want her to enjoy it. She has gained at least 100 pounds since we have been together. Never showers or brush her teeth. She would rather watch tv than visit with me or go do something other than stay inside. The apartment is very messy I’ve tried to to clean up but it gets messy again. Last week she said that I should have sex with someone else and she’s okay with it. I was shocked and uncomfortable with that. She isn’t the same person I married. I’m afraid the health stuff has made her depressed and she has given up on life. We talked about counseling but she never makes an appointment. I went for a couple months. I don’t know what to do. 

7 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    sorry to hear about the circumstances you and your wife have found yourselves in.  i have to say that i tend to agree that your wife may need some professional help.  however i also believe that a marriage is a sacred bond that should stand through sickness or in good health, although it rarely does for the masses.  therefore  it does not necessarily mean your marriage has to be over. i looked up some good material on marriage so i could share it with you and, your wife.  this material can be read in the privacy of your own home, and you both can read it together. i hope this some how helps  the link is below��

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    It's patently obvious that she's depressed. So maybe YOU need to make the appointment and make sure she shows up for it. Or you could just bail on her if that's what you want to do I guess.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Your wife has clinical depression and should see a doctor. You should consider divorcing her. The relationship is over.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    I'd say you've been more than patient.  It would be helpful to know what kind of health problems she has, because this covers so much territory.  I'm sure it's part of this, though, which is why it matters.

    The bottom line is, she needs professional help.  There's no point in going to marriage counseling when one spouse has unaddressed issues like depression.  She desperately needs talk therapy and probably meds.  I think you're overdue to address this with "tough love", meaning she needs to understand if she refuses to go, the marriage will probably end.    There's a lot you can do to make this easier.  Ask around about good shrinks, google names and get lots of reviews (very easy with docs), then make an appt at a time  you'll be available to take her.  Then tell her you've done this.  There are lots of ways you can be supportive and loving, but very firm at the same time. 

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  • 1 year ago

    Why not still go to the counselor on your own? You have a lot of pressure, a lot of duty confusion, a failing marriage, a bunch of things to deal with. Why not still go?

    Health issues. Are you protecting her identity or something? Health issues could be that she is going through menopause and her thyroid gland has quit. Or she has cancer of vital internal organs and is dying. Or she has a manageable disease yet the medication has caused her to gain a ton of weight and lose motivation. Or... what? Cause doesn't what has happened to her matter too? You tell us what has happened to you, but not what happened to her?

    Anyway, if she's dying anytime soon... get some help. If she's not dying anytime soon but you know that you DO want to "shop around"... yep, sounds like the end of your marriage. I suppose one way or the other. Stay in counseling.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    she is depressed with her health and the life situation in general. who would like to move into a tiny apartment from own house? no one. do not waste money on counselling, she needs to see a real doctor who will prescribe medication for her depression. and as for u - we live only once. u re wasting your best years.

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    If you make an appointment for marriage counseling, and your partner will NOT go with you, then there is nothing TO work on. The marriage has already ended.

    A decent therapist should have told you that already.

    Yes, she certainly sounds depressed, but you cannot pull her out of that. That is up to her, and apparently, she is not motivated to do her own inner work. Very sad, but why should both of you suffer because she won't be an adult?

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