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Why doesn't The BIASED LIBERAL MEDIA tell the truth to the American people about how the SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS plan to spend TRILLIONS?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    A Democrat is a liar that promises you everything for free without any more taxes so they can get elected and steal.

  • 1 year ago

    The latest Republican tax cut means almost $2 trillion less in tax revenues.

    Add onto that the Trump crime family government spending of over $1 trillion.

    Why doesn;t the far right media educate their minions of the facts?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Trump and the Republicans transferred well over a trillion dollars to rich people in just 2019. Extra government debt bought by rich people domestically with tax cut dolllars.

    Socialist Democrats want it transferred back to the public in the form of benefits.

    What's your problem? Are you making over $150K/year?

    If not, you certainly shouldn't be supporting the Republicans.

    Even some billionaires say they are taxed too little.

    I support Pete Buttigieg with a more modest plan looking also for support of Republicans who still have human decency values.

    He gets some who are fed up with the lies and greed from the White House and Republican Senators.

    Trump support base consists of:

    Greedy rich people

    Scared white non-Hispanic afraid of sharing power (racists)

    Hypocrite Christians who favor private jet owning preachers instead of teachings of Jesus

    Under-educated highly fooled by all the logical fallacies and can no longer detect the string of lies they are fed.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Exactly you’ve just answered the question.

    Good foresight 

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  • Mandy
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Even if that were so, what is your point?  Trump has increased the deficit more than any other President.  So, again, what is your point?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Our Constitution must amended granting the president a Line-Item-Veto. 


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