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I saw someone buy a 🍩 and soft drink with food stamps, who paid for it?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    We (taxpayers) did. That’s why Trump has tried to tighten eligibility requirements so those who truly need food stamps can get them.

    "This is real compassion: not increasing numbers on food stamps, but increasing numbers of those who no longer need it. That is compassion." -Rush Limbaugh 

  • 1 year ago

    I saw someone buy beer & cigarettes with food stamps.  

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Once the welfare system credited the Card it was the person's money (Thank You legislature)

    Very interesting.

    Food Stamps, as stamps, have not been used for years.

    Everything is on a Debit Card now. So unless you were very nosy, it should have looked like any normal Credit Transaction.

    OR you are trolling.

    The Church used to run the Welfare, but when the pope found it too expensive, giving away his tithes he stopped  So, by necessity it was taken up by the State.

    The State pays welfare as a bribe (for votes)

    to prevent an uprising, keeping the people in their place. Giving away the fish instead of teaching how fish and supplying the first set of gear, means the poor are dependent on the State.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    If it was not eaten in the store, they are eligible items and the store and employees were paid by the government, but since the Republicans cut taxes on rich people an corporations, nobody paid for it. Government gave a Trillion dollars in Federal debt to rich people. The entire SNAP program is only $68 Billion and you're complaining about a poor person buying a donut and soft drink.

    Trump just loves to support rich people and hates poor people.

    Why don't you see the money being transferred at an increasing rate to the rich.

    The Forbes 400 are now worth $3 trillion.

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  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    🥴 As American citizens... it is our duty and right of passage to pay taxes.

    Where those taxes go, is for the government to distribute in the right places.

    🥴 So if a welfare recipient is benefiting from that contribution? It's the Conservatives' fault for trying to ban abortion. 🙋‍♀️

    No abortion = eventually hungry mouths no money.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    In the long run they will, hope their insurance premiums are up to date & doubled

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    People who actually work for a living paid for that lazy nignog’s doughnut and sugar water. Welcome to America.

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