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If my brother cheated on his wife and I marry her 35 years later, is it wrong?

At 18 my brother marries D, after 11 months of him cheating, she divorces him, and remarries another man for 32 years . After the 2nd husband asks her to dissolve the marriage, because he`s cheating with other women, I come in the picture, just ran into her at the store, after my late wife had passed, 5 years before. We found that we had lots in common, and eventually married after a year of dating. My brother said he was ok with us dating and getting married. So, after 35 years of being apart, with another marriage in between, am I wrong for marrying her?

9 Answers

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    No this isn't wrong and fate often puts people in our paths for a reason. Sounds like you both deserve a bit of happiness at this point.

  • 1 year ago

    There is nothing wrong if you are prepared for a dose of reality.  Two husbands have cheated on her.  Why?  She will be hurt and might be very suspicious of everything you do.  A divorce is an "estrangement".  Your brother has zero claim on her once the divorce is final.

  • Tepee
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    There is nothing wrong with that and I wish you luck and happiness.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Wrong is a question of morals, upbringing, religion.  What is "wrong" for you may not be "wrong" for someone else.

    A very good friend of mine divorced her husband, the father of her child, married her ex-husband's father and had another child with the ex-husband's father.

    She sees no problem.  It's not "wrong" for her.

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  • 1 year ago

    It is legally ok. But, you and your brother would havesome uneasy feelings with your new wife.

  • RP
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    My opinion is this would not be wrong, by any measure, but others may disagree. The most important thing for you, however, is what both of you consider right and best for you. Don't worry about others, but be true to yourselves. Since your brother has given you to green light, take advantage of it and have no hesitation about marrying.

  • 1 year ago

    It's fine with you, it's fine with your new wife, it's fine with your brother. What's the problem? You are all happy. Don't look for trouble where there's none.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Whether or not it is wrong is not for us to say.  Its nobody's business but yours.  Besides, you have already done it.  If you have doubts, go talk to a marriage counselor.

  • 1 year ago

    Why on earth would it be "wrong"?

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