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We know the bible was written 70 years after Jesus' death.  What's up with that?  Son of God not worth even mentioning when he was alive? ?

Is this like one of those bizzare post-death fascination things?  It seems to be prevalent with artists and philosophers.  For example Van Goth, famous now, but during his lifetime was dirt poor.

13 Answers

  • Jim V
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    And how is it that you know this?

    We know that all of Paul’s letters were written by 64 AD. 

    Which means some likely were written in the early to mid 50s. 

    Which also happens to require that the events of Luke’s Gospel and Acts were recorded prior to 64. 

  • 1 year ago

    Truth is best taught orally from parent to child. Once something is learned from a book it's almost impossible to teach one differently. Jesus Died at age 36.5, Friday, 7April 30A.D.. Jesus' Apostles refused to write the Gospels until just prior to their deaths. Simon Peter Barjona memorized and taught the Gospel for over 37 years after Jesus's crucifixion. Peter dictated the Gospel of Mark, from memory, prior to his death in 67A.D.; Mark published it in 68A.D. The 5th, and final, scroll of Mark was accidentally destroyed by a fire in Syria in 69A.D.. A bogus 12 verse ending was later added to 'Mark' by Luke. The Gospel of Mark was the only Gospel published in Aramaic, and prior to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70A.D.. After 70A.D.. Greek was the only language authorized by the Romans and all writing were scrutinized by the Government. A disciple of Matthew used the Gospel of Mark and Andrew's notes, which was given to Andrew by Peter, to write Matthew's Gospel.. Andrew's notes are sometimes referred to as Gospel "Q", in Theology. "Matthew" was published in Greek in 71A.D. under the scrutiny of the Roman Government. Theophilus had Luke rewrite 'Mark' and 'Matthew' to please the Roman Government; thereby distorting some of the original message and intent. Luke used the edited versions to add his own gentile scriptures.

  • 1 year ago

    Three-quarters of what we now call "the Bible" had been written more than 400 years before Jesus was even born. Those manuscripts had many prophecies foretelling the coming of Christ . The scroll of Isaiah, for example, is often called "the fourth Gospel" because of all that it says about Christ. Technically, it should be called "the first Gospel" because it was written between 701 and 681 B.C.  The remaining 27 scrolls written after Jesus' death and resurrection had been completed before A.D. 70, with maybe one completed by A.D. 90.

    It took a long time to write a book, back then. And the disciples didn't see a need to write their accounts of Jesus until they realized that the good news was spreading so far and wide, and so fast, that written records would help new converts. Thousands of people were becoming Christians, purely by the spoken word - many more could be reached with a written gospel. The fascination with Jesus was not because He'd died, but because some 500 people were eye-witnesses to Him being resurrected! 

    As Christian congregations formed, letters were written to them, to give guidance and to sort difficulties out. Those were known as the epistles, and they are part of the 27 books that make up the New Testament. By the way, the poverty-stricken artist was Vincent van Gough and his belated fame was due to his art only being appreciated long after his death. That has no bearing whatever on why and when the 66 books of the Bible were written.

  • gillie
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    For one thing, most of the followers of Jesus thought he would be returning in their own lifetimes, like he once promised. They didn't see any need to write their stories down. They only started committing the stories to writing when it became obvious that Jesus wasn't returning any time soon.

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  • 1 year ago

    The whole Bible was written after Jesus' death??  Now there's some reeaally bad trolling. 

    Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian
  • User
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    1) We know the bible was written 70 years after Jesus' death.

    Indisputably a false statement.

    (Hint: most of the Bible was authored before Jesus was born! And...we have copies that date to before Jesus birth!)

  • 1 year ago

    The NT Bible was written 300 years after Jesus supposed life and edited for a thousand years after that. 

    In 325 CE the Roman Bishops declared Jesus to be the Son of of the Hebrew God of Abraham.  They had other options. 

    This was a political move in an attempt to unify an Empire that was is steep decline. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    They didn’t have word processors back then. Writing a book was a major undertaking. Parchment was a rare commodity and you had to make your own ink out of the nests of certain insects or rare plants. The plant-based ink tended to fade quickly. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Because they made it all up.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

     "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (II Peter 3:8).

    "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 

    For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" (II Peter 1:20-21).

    "And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?" (Daniel 4:35).

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