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? asked in TravelCanadaOther - Canada · 1 year ago

Did you notice that spring-like temperatures appear to be coming alot earlier than in previous years?

This question comes from the perspective of people living in colder climates (like around the edge of the U.S./Canada boarder, or further north).

7 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    Everyone living here has noticed that.  This winter has been milder and (so far) shorter than any winter in the last 10 years.

    Last year, we had a massive snow storm at the end of April.  Winters have been starting and ending later over the last few decades, but they still show up every year and they still last way too long.

    That's why people who live in Canada and the northern US openly laugh whenever anyone brings up the dangers of global warming.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    yes, for at least about 2 decades.

    What do you think we mean by "Climate-change"?

    Source(s): Netherlands
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    THIS year in Russia, about the 55th parallel, we had 2 or 3 honestly, no more, days of -20° C. About 2° below zero Fahrenheit. 1991, the first visit to USSR/Russia was -20° EVERY DAY. I thought it the norm as NEXT year, that temp repeated. 2008 or so, (I may be off a couple years) the river did NOT freeze over until January 26. (about a mile across) Usually, trucks and buses drive across the meter- (yard-) thick ice. This year, it may have never froze totally. There is a lake on which car racing enthusiasts build a race track every year. Since mid January, it was not solid enough on which to race. Today, the snow is in a melting stage which I would gauge as mid April, not March. Moscow (750 miles away) had no snow all year to speak of. There are news reports of perma-frost melts in the tundra releasing methane. I have not been there to verify. Last year, the winter was also odd in that while we usually have -25°, -30°, -35° COMMONLY (Celsius), we also see a few days at 0°,+1°,2°,3° degrees- about 35°, 36° Fahrenheit. EVERY day was never warmer than minus 5° to -8° C and never colder than 11° or 12° below. Warmer temps near freezing 28°-32° F and the snow is a messy slush.  COLD like zero and below zero Fahrenheit and one must put on HEAVIER insulated clothing. Our son kept hoping for minus 30°s as schools close in extreme cold.

  • 1 year ago

    I garden.

    Every where it comes at a different day to go out with the new stuff. Every year comes the day you have to have it harvested.

    Some years an extra week or two of growing time.

    That is was good for an extra week before or after the ONE cold day is not very important to the harvest of the garden.

    I had about 10 cm of ice in the shady part of the yard the same day  there were blooming spring flowers in the sunny part.that was bare and dry for weeks.

    I planted my garden and a garden at a nearby neighbours the same day.

    About 100 metres away. One crop had sun flowers about 6 feet tall the other the flowers only grew to about 3 feet.

    This is an an example of MICROclimate it does matter a few trees different location , a shady tree a windbreak or whatever it is.

    As a child we knew  a person nearby that would plant a similar garden. He would be harvesting his first fast growing stuff and the same day are garden was still snow covered.

    My annual heating bills have not been dropping. Weather records in both directions


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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    This year or in over the course of lets say 10 years?

    This year where I am at in Canada, spring like weather is occurring 2 weeks earlier than last year, we'll use that as a measuring stick. Last year we didn't begin seeing somewhat decent weather until mid march, of course, that was a false start, because we had a very cold spring and wintry weather lasted well into April. This year spring like weather started here in late Feburary, and has been that way ever since, of course things will turn back the other way to balance things out, I fully expect to see a harsh end to March and a rough ride into early April wintry weather wise.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    I have done ranching and farming in Texas for 40 years and spring comes early and late depending on the last freeze . It varies greatly from year to year but no records have been broken in decades .

  • 1 year ago

    I've noticed it's gone from winter to summer the last few years.

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