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Who has a worse record re: the other gender's legitimate issues, feminists or MRAs?

I think anyone looking at the matter fairly and with an open mind will admit that feminists, and men's rights activists, both have at least some legitimate issues they are raising.  There are ways that women are discriminated against and/or treated badly in our society, and there are also ways that men are discriminated against and/or treated badly.

And, I think anyone looking at the matter fairly will also agree that *some* feminists and MRAs are, well, somewhere between not as nice to and absolutely horrible to their non-target gender, and also inclined to entirely dismiss even those legitimate issues as false or unimportant.  Others are not necessarily any worse than the general population, but also not necessarily any *better*, either.  And some--probably a minority for both groups, but not necessarily a small one--are legitimately egalitarians with a primary focus on one gender, and are better than average at addressing the other gender's issues.

But, in general, which group, feminists or MRAs, do you think has a better overall record re: the other gender's issues, and/or of fair treatment of the "non-target" gender?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    They both have valid concerns, as you say. But if you want to talk about track records there's no comparison. Women have been disenfranchised in most cultures since the dawn of humanity whereas the things that irk men (vis-a-vis gender conflict) are a far more recent phenomenon. MRA came about when judges started granting child custody to women, which didn't happen until the 20th century. Prior to that in many parts a divorced man could cast his wife out and never let her even see the kids again. And apparently men didn't have a problem with that.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    MRAs don’t in anyway try to prevent women from having equal rights.  Feminists adamantly defend  privileges for women and oppose equality for men.   

  • 1 year ago

    "Who has a worse record re: the other gender's legitimate issues, feminists or MRAs?"

    Feminism is the only group with any record really.  It is an Establishment group that has a place in mainstream politics today.  Any men's rights group are still kind of rogue, internet basement type places with no state recognition or funding of any kind as far as I know.

    We all know the record of feminists. I have lived all my life under second and third wave feminists where they readily denigrate men and masculinity.  It was kind of sad but funny in the early days because it seemed so naive but rebel-worthy.  That innocence ended though as a generation of those feminists gained power in politics and took their man-hating with them into modern day politics.  Now it's serious.  To the level where it actually affects men's legal status and social freedoms.

    MRA's? The first time I ever saw them was when one of those Spider Men dads was scaling a high rise building to bring awareness to the fact that he was denied visitation to his children in an unfair way.  Since then there might be a more cohesive movement, but if there is, I'm not aware of what that is, or what they are called, or anything else for that matter.

    MGTOW is another thing altogether.  But even here, this is an online movement with scant or diffused support.  I'm not sure any record per se with any of these groups.


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