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Luke asked in PetsDogs · 1 year ago

Would my dog have saved me or just stand there and watch?

Alot of you might think this is not true, I wish it wasn't but unfortunately it is. I borrowed money from a well known person and I had 1 month to return the money. I was in the situation of being made redundant at work which did not help at all. I have a dark brown male pitbull/lurcher who is 3 years old. I was watching tv and the guy I borrowed money from kicked my door down and beat me to a pulp real bad, I was screaming and crying in agony and he just did not stop. My dog just stood there and watched as it all happened. He did not bark or growl or anything. My trousers and pants was pulled down and he crushed a testicle real tightly with some sort of grips/pliers. I was absolutely screaming and crying real loud. My dog was still just standing there. The guy then gave me 1 more month to pay up. I was in hospital over night as the beating was very bad and 2 weeks later I had the money to give back so now I'm safe. If a testicle had completely exploded I would have been absolutely screaming and crying the place down in utter agony would my dog have helped then or just stand there and watch?

7 Answers

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    No if it was true the dog showed what it would do.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    No, it wouldn’t at all cause you’re a di ck

  • 1 year ago

     No it would have applauded your assaulter very very heartily.... If it has any sense about it that is, little troll

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  • Jim
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Luke the Troll reported again.

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  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    First off as I have explained many times before, exploding testicles, crushed testicles, sliced, pounded, squished, pulverized, decapitated, punched flat until exploded, stabbed, cleaved, pulled two feet from your body either one or both testicles would render you UNCONCIOUS!!!!

    I have worked in emergency rooms for over thirty years and any man that came in with his testicles mutilated to the point of rupture -is no longer awake, they go instantly into shock... yes it is horrible pain, however out of over 50 cases of accidental rupture or purposefully beaten to a pulp all men said the last they remembered was something grabbed, hit, poked their testicles and all they saw was bright colors, they don’t remember letting out one agonized yelp, not quite a scream then everything went to black.  Average male wakes up several hours to days later. Not a single trauma case ever laid awake in the ambulance or through the adult.

    With all the testicle ruptured you have been through with your Argentine frog, Rottweiler ,pitbull, Staffordshire terrier, Doberman, German shepherd and mastiff you managed to “ scream in agony several minutes while your stupid dog just stood there and looked at you.”

    First off do a little medical research before you keep posting these stories and wasting peoples time.

    Next if you have a behavior question about your dog please call a certified trainer or an animal behaviorist.  These dogs don’t just attack by pure nature, they are not bred for being blood thirsty predators and will attack anybody that gets into your personal space.  Could you imagine talking with a friend that slaps you on the back and the dog kills him for touching you, or you break out laughing at a joke and the dog takes it your in pain and strikes out to the nearest person......

    Yes there are power breeds that have been bred ill  tempered and have turned on people, some dogs turn on abusive owners and some have been poorly trained and have become untrustworthy because of a combination of both.  Just because a dog is powerful and can take do3n a person and has a strong protective instinct, unless the dog is properly trained and has a reason to attack they just don’t think for themselves like ‘oh, master looks like he needs help, I think I’ll bite and kill the person he is talking to.’  The cases where a dog protects the owner and bites the assailant is more complicated than a person simply running up to another, grabbing them by the scrotum and crushing there testicles then running off. Unless you cue the dog to help, not by screaming in agony but the actual attack word you may be out of luck.   A dog that will guard its owner naturally is one out of several thousand, it takes several years unless they are together 24/7 to get that type of bond that they are willing to attack on their on.

    What ever happened to the dog bite where the dog bit your testicles multiple times rupturing them and you almost bled to death?

    With all the attacks that have happened to you, according to your stories you have spent over four months in hospital recovering from these attacks as well as the fact you have had multiple testicle transplants.  

    If I go by the transplant theory it is possible for you to be bitten in the scrotum and having the silicone testicle be destroyed and it wouldn’t be as shocking to your body as an actual tissue rupture, but I have asked and explored to you many times to please get psychological help for your ruptured testicles and pain fetish.... nobody on this planet could possibly live through half the attacks you have been through in your short life.

    Lv 4
    1 year ago

    Depends how you treat the dog. Was the dog so week from starvation or petrified from the beatings

  • 1 year ago

    Probably not. Dogs aren't the smartest. He probably couldn't even register that the guy was hurting you or wasn't friendly.

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