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Why would anyone believe the Corona Virus / Covid  Details coming from the same media that LIED to All of Us about 9-11?

And I am talking about all SIDES of media. Left, right, alt right etc etc !!!

5 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    And only you know the truth

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    First of all, a free press is certainly better than getting all information from government agencies.

    Second of all, we do have a declining free press by global standards.

    Third, the issue is not the media. It's weak education systems and politicians fueling emotion over logic in daily life. It is up to individuals about how information is understood and where they seek it. People issue about interpreting opinions from facts.

    Fourth, media can only report information they can obtain.

    Where is information about new things and situations and events?

      Professional media, interviews with people of varying authority in a subject, government agencies, social media and friends, personal experience

    Media in 9/11 reported what they could figure out, and included speculation.

    Not everyone knew, for example, a lead design engineer of the WTC towers nor family of victims being stonewalled by government, nor understand how to analyze a timeline. Just as an adder, as a Free Thinker Atheist I am skeptical about everything and seek knowledge and truth with sciences.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    It's all bollox you believe no one 6 months ago the west hated everybody east of Europe and still do .the SPANISH FLU killed millions at the end of WW1 they are facts is Spain the depths of depravity eating bats and live rats and octopus .its bollox just another super bug from mother nature and capitalists cant bribe it away 

  • 1 year ago

    Specify what you mean when you say details. Are you talking symptoms? Origin? Deadliness?

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  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    We have the same facts in the UK and all of Europe.

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