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Lv 6

This might be a dumb question to be asking, but why do girl like gay men so much?

8 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    to get their homes redecorated

  • 1 year ago

    Because they are easier to relate to. They are more on the emotional scale in thinking than logical like most straight men. Some are not that way, but many are. So relating to them is easier, and there is more common ground.

    I had a gay therapist years ago. I kept seeing him because i was mad about him!! He was manly even so, and So HOT

  • Merry
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    I have 2 jobs in very different industries.

    1 of these jobs I work with 8 women

    The other with 5 gay men 

    Of the females I work with .. one in particular is a mixed breed dog from a different universe. I will remember her for the rest of my life & not for good reasons. (Unfortunately this is my main income job)

    On the other hand.... The time I spend with my gay colleagues is fun, warm, easy. 

    We genuinely enjoy each other's company. Conversation is easy & there is no sexual undertones or innuendos. They are comfortable to give complements, praise and recognition for a job well done. They have your back & what they want from you is never complicated. They say it as it is & there's no BS and they keep their private lives to themselves. They are like a big brother.

  • 1 year ago

    Because they have similar interests, they are non threatening, and it's a trend for women to have the sassy gay friend. Gay friends are like fashion accessories for women.

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  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    It may lower their change of being Attacked by that man. Yet homosexuals are well known of Breaking Laws and even attacking Straight people! 

    Homosexuals sure are against God! 

  • 1 year ago

    They're fun, they like to talk about things other than sports, and they're non-threatening. 

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Probably because the majority of gay men, at least it has been my experience, are handsome and usually have a lot going for them. They probably don't realize that they are gay until after they get hooked on them. So that is the reason. 

  • Rick
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Women can become close friends with them and don't have to worry about the guys hitting on them.

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