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My relationship with my father is broken?

My father is a very demanding father when I got a boyfriend he was trying to force us to live in his back guest house so we can rent and give him $$$. I told him we will never rent it we are getting a small condo and he got extremely upset. I also started a business and told him he would not be included because I have the right to be on my own and he is very resentful. Everytime I won’t allow him to take he gets extremely angry. Now our relationship is broken because I stand up for myself. What do you think about him?

2 Answers

  • Alan H
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    That is not just standing up for yourself: it is taking self-centredness to an extreme.

    It need not be broken, but if it is you are as much to blame as he is

  • 12 months ago

    I have control freak for a dad who want own way all the time between his family .it sort was marry . my mum want only us but she die never ris us show much for talking about with someone

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