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Can osteoporosis be cured if you consume foods that are high in calcium ?


Or is it irreversible like diabetes and Alzheimer’s ?

7 Answers

  • 11 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, but you must also eat a low or no animal protein diet. It's the meat that produces nitric and sulfuric acids when it is digested. The body must buffer that acid to remove it from the body, so it takes calcium from wherever it can get it. Like the bones and teeth. You can get all the protein your body needs from plants, especially legumes. I also recommend you go to youtube and search for DR BERG OSTEOPOROSIS. The question of calcium supplements being the cure may not be what you expected.

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Not cured, no. Osteopenia, th he pre-osteoporosis condition is definitely sign that you should be lifting weights and otherwise strength training.

    Stronger muscles require stronger bones, so both are built.

  • 11 months ago

    You need exercise too to build up bone strength.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    Well, I don't know everything of the medical world but I know that milk and dairy products are responsible for osteoporosis and is to avoid! There are enough calcium in green food which are more body available like kale.

    Source(s): Thumbs down show ignorance!
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  • 11 months ago

    Once you have it, you have it but you can prevent developing more but calcium is not enough and is only 1 part of the process.

  • Marc
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    Not just consuming high calcium but lifestyle changes as in exercise and no smoking.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    There is no cure for osteoporosis.

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