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Think this staking is OK?

It’s a failzero BCG. I like you will notice the top screw seems a bit bungled. It seems to be only cosmetic; right at the very top of the screw. I have not used it yet due to being so busy. I plan taking it out in a couple weeks.

Attachment image

2 Answers

  • Mr.357
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    Looks good enough to me.

  • BBean
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    ALL staking of the gas key screws is ugly....especially if done free hand. And, yes, the top socket head screw almost looks like a torx screw at first glance, so, focus on the main keep the screws from backing out to prevent damage to the gas tube and charging handle. If the key is tight then I would leave it alone but dab a bit of nail polish or enamel touch up paint around the screw head. Once a gas key does come loose or removed it is much better to replace it with a new one....just like a crush time user.

    Short answer...OK!

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