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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 months ago

Why are so-called intelligent people wearing masks ONLY because someone told them to?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    There are experts who study infections and analyse how they spread. The average laypersons is not capable of this. So the experts tell people how the diseases spread and let people know what precautions they need to take and the smart people listen to the experts. The idiots don’t, get infected and spread the disease as is happening today...

    Sadly the President of the US is an idiot...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 months ago

    Intelligent people understand how these things spread and they know it's not about them,,

    Cons have no understanding of how these things work and to them everything is all about me, me, me,,,,, what about me,,, I don't want to wear a mask,,, I want ice cream,,,, what about meeeeeeeee

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Because they work, only Republicans would be so stupid to make a mask a political statement. Pardon me, your cult is showing.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Because intelligent people know what they don’t know and rely on experts to advise them.  

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 months ago

    For the same reason doctors wear masks in the operating room, to protect other people.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    because they are smarter than you

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