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NONAME asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 10 months ago

Women always show negative body language towards me and now I feel spite towards all women. How do I get rid of this?

4 Answers

  • 10 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm this is difficult to say because I don't know you or your situation. Are you sure this body language is negative in the way that they don't like you? It could just be that the person you were talking to was shy or stressed about something else. It could have just been bad timing. What were you doing while talking to these people? Remember that whether this person is male or female, people prefer a certain amount of physical and emotional space if you don't know them very well. I know it's easy to overstep boundaries with people because boundaries are relative and some people might be giving you incorrect signals, but try not to be overly affectionate to strangers whether you're flirting with them or not. It's just polite unless they tell you otherwise. If you feel like it has something to do with something shallow like looks, just keep in mind that not all women are like that. Many men are shallow to women as well. Try not to blame the mistakes of a few on an entire demographic of people. Women are as diverse of a group as men. Some of them are rude, some of them aren't. If this is the case, I'd suggest casually meeting more women as friends and trying to get to know them on a personal level. If you're wanting to do that, I wouldn't mention the whole resentment thing but I believe you can do it. Blame the individual, not the gender. Then hopefully you will let go of your bitterness and start seeing us as human. Remember that women are just human, just like you. Asking how you can change this is good and the start to something even better. Good luck!

  • 10 months ago

     just stop havung that mindset.

    Source(s): ssee
  • 10 months ago

    Don’t be prejudice 

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Just change your personality and learn to respect women.

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