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Do you disagree with any of these statements, GS?

1. There are legitimate issues regarding equality and fair treatment for women.

2. A small, but unfortunately loud percentage of those trying to address these legitimate issues are misandrist a**hats who apparently just want to make men suffer.

3. There are legitimate issues regarding equality and fair treatment for men.

4.  A small, but unfortunately loud percentage of those trying to address these legitimate issues are misogynist a**hats who apparently just want to make women suffer.

10 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    To the anonymouse that has me blocked:

    >1.  Yes, but overall women are not denied any rights men receive. 

    In the West, maybe.  In the world as a whole, not by a *mile*.

    >2.   Many feminists are misandrist, but not all.  Feminism focuses on advantages for women, not equality. 

    I'm pretty sure most feminists are not, in fact, misandrists, and most feminists are legitimately at least trying to aim for equality, not advantage.

    >3.   There are many laws disadvantaging men.  Few care. 

    Can you name me, say, 3 that aren't either left over paternalism (that is, treating women as "children" that need to be protected), or (sometimes) clumsy attempts to level a legitimately un-level playing field (eg loans to woman-owned businesses because banks tended to discriminate against them)?

    >4.   The Men’s Rights Movement is small, disorganized and ineffectual. 

    Maybe so, but at least some of them are definitely a**hats who apparently hate women.  Or at least want them to go "back to the kitchen".

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    1.  Yes, but overall women are not denied any rights men receive.  

    2.   Many feminists are misandrist, but not all.  Feminism focuses on advantages for women, not equality.  

    3.   There are many laws disadvantaging men.  Few care.  

    4.   The Men’s Rights Movement is small, disorganized and ineffectual.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    1. In certain industries but not in others. 

    2. No doubt. 

    3. For sure, specifically with regards to child custody and a welfare system that all but bans men from being able to live with their own children (thus contributing to all manner of social ills - often those that get blamed on "systemic racism").

    4. Yes, just like women's rights extremists there are men's rights extremists as well. 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Women and men both have problems caused by the patriarchy. Women are the primary victims of this.

    Sure. Misandrists exist. But an angry lesbian on tumblr really has no impact on your life, when men who regularly rape and abuse women can make it to the highest office in the United States 

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  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    I agree with all those statements. However, I also believe that true equality is never possible because people are not equal or the same. You cannot ever eradicate inequality unless you populated the earth with 7 billion clones that were capable of asexual reproduction.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    1. Not really. It is now possible for you as a woman to sink a man and his career by simply making an allegation of sexual assault irregardless of how old it is. 

    You've pretty much opened the door for crazy people who think they are not the gender that they were born as to have protections, extra rights that they dont really need, and even representation.  

    And you (women) are flooding the job market and actively changing its rules and politics in ways which are causing the work experience to be more challenging for men to navigate. 

    What more do you want?

    2. Yes. 

    3. No. Western peoples are notorious for having this mentality that in order for one group to succeed or move up in the world, another must fail. And I just dont agree with that. There are many anglo males out there that believe that the more women, minorities, and gays as a whole gain, the more they as anglos lose. And thats just not true.

    4. That being said though, I will attest that it is harder now for an an average man to find not only a good woman, but really any woman, without having to make drastic changes to his wardrobe, personality, physique, and even his speech and conversation skills. It has taken me over 11 years to make the transformation from the average boring guy with few lays to where I am today with women. To a certain extent, I get why many of these dudes are pissed. Women really have become extremely picky in what they want in men in the last 12 years. And that has drove many men to not even try. 

    Still though, even with all of that pressure, most of incels plights are self chosen. No one is holding a gun to their heads and forbidding them to procreate. 

    It is still possible for an incel to go out and find a woman without doing nothing to improve all of the things which women find off putting about men like them.  

    Women are always going to settle. And the reason being, is that for most of the "Chads" out there, the vast majority of women they encounter are below their standards. Why? Because, Chads have options with women. 

    So we arent going to stick around when we find out that a woman is crazy or if we catch an inkling that she is going to let herself go and stop doing things to make herself look good as she gets older. 

    That means that many of you average dudes, if you just went out and tried, would end up finding a woman a decent woman who just got tired of the game and decided to lower your standards so that you could have her. She may have a kid, she may be pregnant, she may even be pregnant and try to convince the average guy that he is the father.

    Its not like you will visibly see that other side to her past. She will hide it from you. And many of you will accept it for what it is and be happy and content. You may have to deal with infidelity from women like this who lowered their standards, but most of you wont have an inkling of it anyway. 

    Your pain is self chosen, incels. And if you at least went out and just approached women, you could find you a girl who is 8 out of 10. 

  • 9 months ago

    I believe in all of them. I also believe number 2 has a much larger population, therefore louder voice than number 4. 

  • 9 months ago

    "Do you disagree with any of these statements, GS?"

    Not as a general starting point for discussion on the matter.  They're all true for the most part.  But of course, the devil is in the details.

    For example, on #2 & #4, the small but loud percentage on the feminist side are fully organized and have taxpayer and corporate elite foundation funding, to the tune of millions of dollars annually.  They are also supported  by Establishment media (and strangely, even so with some of their radical stuff).

    The small but loud percentage on the male side are generally unorganized, and operating out of a basement budget, with no support at all at the Establishment level.  And even PC culture often derides or ridicules their issues.

    On #1 & #3 the ideas of equality vs fairness need to be defined and understood, as they are often mutually exclusive.  This is too often misunderstood.  Also the very reality of differences between the sexes with regards to LEGAL sexism vs SOCIAL sexism.

    Otherwise, agreed.


  • 9 months ago

    Damn you! You KNOW I love to quibble, you could have at least inserted *one* bad thing into that, just so I could get some exercise pulling it apart.

    But NOOOOOO. YOU had to be 100% right.

    I hope you're happy, now I am despondent. Well, at least until the donut cart comes.

    OH SHLT! I missed it! Excuse me, I'm going to go chase them on one of the other floors. I really want a bear claw.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Equality is stupid and was debunked by Plato thousands of years ago. If you want to believe in stupid debunked nonsense then have fun with it, but you won't ever acquire what you want. 

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