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Lv 6
John asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 9 months ago

Did Yahoo suspend the comment sections on articles because they realized a vast majority of their readers weren't buying the Marxist garbage?

It would make sense for tepid leftists to take whatever measures they can to keep people from openly discussing the insanity and illogic they are trying to peddle.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    No. It's because of right wingers who spend most of their time spewing lies and harassing people.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Just my opinion but people act so psychotic on Yahoo that someone probably said something threatining and they had to disable comments until they could figure out how to moderate them. I don't subscribe to any particular viewpoint, and really don't write much on politics, but nonetheless had people go off on me. I don't think it's a bad thing.

  • 9 months ago

    Highly likely that was the case.

  • NiJo
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    They support cancel culture, so they cancelled comments. I think the almost unanimous support of the St Louis couple hurt their feelings. 

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  • 9 months ago

    Yes, it is all part of the master plan.

    Hitler burned the books so that people had reduced access to any history. Here, the tech media want to be a propaganda source and not a discussion forum.

    The UK Guardian used to have the phrase "Comment is free, but facts are sacred." Then you find that after a propaganda piece the comments will be turned off. Maybe: "Comment is impossible and our version of the facts must not be challenged?"

    We will see progressive tightening of all kinds of public forums until the election. After the election, if President Trump wins, we might lose all forms of communication until after the Democrat storm troopers have cleared the White House. Wouldn't want any details of that to leak out, would we?

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Yeah that's exactly it.  Verizon, the publicly traded corporation who owns Yahoo, is pushing Marxism so that it can...  What?  Destroy itself and transfer ownership to the government?

    That makes total sense.

    Do you right-wingers even think about the things you're posting or do you just feel compelled to post the stupidest things you can think of?

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Yes, that is exactly why.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Because of the numerous attacks and falsehoods by left left wingers 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Yes they quickly realized many people did not agree with them, so in typical leftist fashion,  they disabled commenting.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    No, it's because it was too expensive, but go answer their survey to vote yes to comments.

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