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Best USB powered mic to get great, clear and defined recordings of distant sounds of nature such as rain, thunder, wind etc?

Hi folks, 

What'd be the best USB powered mic (make and model) to get well defined, clear, strong/full recordings of distant sounds of nature such as rain, thunder, wind etc? I'm asking if you know of a specific model of (USB) microphone that can be ought online for relatively little money (£20-£50 max).It has to be fitted under an eave so I get the best possible clarity while still keeping it dry and protected from rain etc.I have a cheap mic already but it's just not adept at picking up much sound at all unless any sound source is very close to the mic itself, so I want something better with much more 'pick-up' strength so I get clear, strong, well defined audio from rainfall, wind, thunder, birds etc but it must be USB powered, (no batteries or XLS connectivity!).I also have a webcam mic out there too but that's got very poor range of pick up,. very bad in the treble, awful mid,. not bad bass,.. I need something significantly better, as a great all-rounder. I'm based in the UK (so UK based shopping site suggestions please, except Amazon!). Thanks in advance!

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