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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 months ago

Wearing masks?

Do you think people that wear masks are scared, misinformed or just too lazy to do a little research?


My doctor has said wearing masks protects no one and only hurts the one wearing the mask, I believe him.

Update 2:

There are NO studies that prove wearing masks reduces ANY virus infection, if you find one please post it.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most are probably just doing what they are told (they want to stay safe in the middle of the herd).  It's somewhat lazy and the easy button.

    Some really believe it's helping.  If they stopped to think about most of the types of masks people are wearing and that this is a virus they would realize it's not really helpful...Some are "virtue signaling."

    Many people are very afraid.  They have only seen/read stuff from the MSM and most of that is outright lies.

    The numbers I am seeing makes the massive panic seem so ridiculous.  The people causing the panic know, they definitely know.  So it's been done on purpose.  Ask yourself why?

    In addition, there is a treatment that is working very well, a medication that has been used worldwide for 6 decades and is an over the counter medication in very many other countries in the world.  This medication is being kept from most citizens of the US for political reasons. What does that tell you?  This treatment can be taken once every other week to keep people from even getting the virus and yet the MSM and DNC have villified it.  Ask yourself why that is?

    If you haven't already, do some research, open your eyes, wake up!  

  • 8 months ago

    No, they just don't like causing death.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 months ago

    For some, the illusion of protection is all they need. Even with the disclaimer on a box of masks saying that it DOES NOT protect against COVID-19, people will still wear them because someone who they respect said they should or because they simply don't want to be refused service. If there was a situation where a virus with a 50% fatality rate was inside a building, there's no way you would see people going in to treat those affected wearing one of those tiny, loose-fitting masks that you see people wearing nowadays.

  • 8 months ago

    Are you saying that wearing masks doesnt help stop the spread of Covid-19?  If you are, you must be an American who chooses their freedom over wearing a mask.  Wearing a mask does help spread of the virus, but I'm not going to waste  my time explaining it to you. Americans are doomed anyway.  

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    None of the above. Its been proven that masks help reduce the spread of disease. And we need tp do SOMETHING. 

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    Hahahah ohhhh.. yes, we are uninformed dumbasses! 😷

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