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JoeBama asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 7 months ago

Democrats, can you give three reasons to vote for Biden without mentioning Trump?  In public office for 50 years, what has he accomplished? ?


Apparently the ones who have answered so far can't or have no reason to vote for him, other than to vote against Trump.  Many make unsubstantiated claims against Trump, and based on that they are going to vote for Biden.  (I find it odd that Biden is called "sabe" and "rational".)

Oh, and yes, I remember Ford.  Note, when he ran against Carter, Ford carried 27 states!  The next 2 elections, I voted FOR Reagan!

Update 2:

There were some elections where I had good reasons to vote against one of the candidates.  At least two of the candidates since then, I had lived in the states they were from and had seen their disastrous policies.  However, when I cast a vote for someone, I made sure I had good reason to vote FOR that person, and not just against someone else!  If I had no reason to vote for someone, I could have just not voted!

Update 3:

Tara S. was vague, and did not give any specific ways in which Biden would supposedly address those subjects.  I doubt Biden would improve any of them, especially the economy, but Tara cane closest to actually answering the question, so I awarded hers as the vest answer.  Biden hasn't accomplished anything in the 50 years he has been in public office.  I don't know why anyone would expect anything different now.

7 Answers

  • Tara S
    Lv 6
    7 months ago
    Favorite Answer




  • Archer
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    They can't but you will see much Dem. propaganda even to the point of blaming the Pandemic on Trump. It seems that the last three sitting presidents did absolutely nothing and it is all "Trumps" fault!

  • 7 months ago

    I sure can............easily..........

    Biden is a man of integrity and honor.   Trump, clearly is not. 

    That's not a slam against Trump.  That's a vote for wanting to see some integrity and HONOR restored to the office of the White House. 

    That's a simple fact, that every American should want.  Even Trump supporters  are often heard saying........I like his policies, but,  damn, if he would only only SHUT UP and stop with all the childish tweets.   And that comes from some of his most ardent supporters. 

    So wanting some dignity returned to the office.....if a fair reason........

    Reason Number 2.........The next president will sit at least  1  Supreme Court Justice,  quite possibly 2.....and maybe even 3. 

    I , as an American,  as a Veteran,  want that person to be Biden....who will make sound,  wise  choices.    Republicans  STOLE a seat from Obama and refused to even vett his nomination.  I do not want the GOP picking the next 2 or 3 seats........simple as that. 

    Reason 3........Biden has 50 years of experience working across the aisle to get stuff done.   Perhaps the last politician of his generation  who even knows how to do that. 

    What does the current crop of GOP candidates offer me?   Every single last one of them,  a Birther.........every single last one of them refused to do their duty during the impeachment against hearing witnesses.......

    and just turning a blind eye to it all......since it was one of their own,   facing charges this time.  It was a national  DISGRACE. 

    Again, not a slam against Trump..........but just general disgust at the entire Party..........not a one of whom had the balls to stand up and do the right thing.  So why should I, as a voter,  reward that? 

    Nope........not this veteran.........not this veteran who swore to defend the constitution against all enemies..........both foreign and DOMESTIC. 

    I will not vote for 4 more years of treasonous behavior.  

    I will vote for the Man who has shown integrity and honor his entire life. 

  • 7 months ago

    Remember Gerald Ford?    He was the first and only president who was not elected as president or as vice president,  he was appointed VP by Nixon,  who then resigned.   Then Ford gave Nixon a pardon.   People really did not like the whole deal so in 1976 they voted for Carter.    IMHO that is when people stopped voting FOR someone and instead voted AGAINST someone.    People voted AGAINST Hillary so Trump won.  No people are going to vote AGAINST Trump and Biden is going to win.  It does not matter if Biden has done anything or not,   people are sick of Trump. 

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    You understand how on a football team the fullback is a player but doesn't call the plays, that's what the coach does,,, well,,, Biden is about to go from player to coach.

  • 7 months ago

    He has never killed 200,000 people in less than 6 months. He has never put 50 million people on unemployment at once. He has never started a trade war with china that made farmers into welfare recipients. 

  • horst
    Lv 4
    7 months ago

    Biden is sane, rational, and capable of empathy, and that's good enough. You don't paint the house when it's on fire. 

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