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Which gender gets aborted more?

I mean worldwide not just here in USA

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    @Foofa: It's female fetuses that get miscarried more, not male fetuses. You're using old research to make your claim that hasn't been seen as factual for years now. 

    Anyway, world wide the answer to the question is girls. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    The Y chromosome, which creates boys, contains less genetic material than does the X chromosome, ergo it swims faster and is more likely to get lucky in encountering an egg. So in early terminations it would likely be more males being aborted. However, male fetuses are more fragile and inclined to later complications than are female fetuses (for reasons that are still not understood). So in later term terminations the gender calculations might be different (as male fetuses are more likely to "self abort" - miscarry). 

  • liz
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    For the world as a whole, it’s girls.  Girls are seen as a liability in many cultures. They’re weaker than men and tend to be aborted, neglected and abandoned more often than boys- in Asia and China especially, which is where most sex-selective abortions take place. Sometimes postnatal healthcare for girls - food, immunisations etc is held back from baby girls, resulting in their death. 

    Women in those countries don’t feel they have much choice. They feel a need to abort their baby girls to spare them a life of misery.

    Here in the West, luckily women have better rights and so sex-selective abortions are not very common. If a woman here wants an abortion, it is more about the parents’ ability to feed the child or give it the love and attention that babies should be given. 

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Probably the girl babies. China probably skews the numbers. So feminists complain about people opposing abortion and then they turn around and say that China is sexist. Eh. 

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  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    The unborn have no gender. They have a sexe.

    In some places, where girls would cost parent a dowry, more girls are aborted than boys

  • 6 months ago

    "Which gender gets aborted more?"

    Worldwide, there are more girls aborted than boys.  This is because there are still more people living in the undeveloped world where boys are required (and thus revered) for their utility to work on the land, whereas girls are seen as a burden in this respect.

    The interesting thing here is that Western feminists like to view that as "gendercide" when more girls are aborted.  But the feminist insistence that for any woman it's "her body, her choice" negates any right for them to use the term "gendercide" at all, as these abortions are occurring through women's free choice.  And even if that is a cultural outcome, it makes no difference.  Because really, the entire feminist ideology is also just a cultural outcome of the West.


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