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Does anyone else feel like this about (their own) gender?

You could describe me as gender casual.  ...It's not that I don't consider myself to be female (my actual sex), I just don't think it's all that *important*.  Like it's one of a long list of descriptors, and there are a lot of them that are much more central to my identity.

I would be more different as a person if I suddenly wasn't smart, or nerdy, or a nonspecific theist, or on the autism spectrum, than if I suddenly wasn't female.  My being female is just, well, a fact, like me being short, or having blue eyes.

Does anyone else here (male or female) feel similar?


"gender casual" is something shamelessly stolen from the webcomic El Goonish Shive.  It is not, as far as I'm aware, a Thing.

Update 2:

Bill: imagine you woke up one morning, and found that you suddenly had girl parts instead of boy parts.  How would you react?

Also, I put a lot of thought into a lot of things.  I have detailed plans about what I'd do if a genie (or whatever) granted me a wish.  I know what projects I would want to work on if I suddenly became a multimillionare.  I'm a very thinky person.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Sex and gender are the same (except for a small number of people who are trans).

    5 years ago, nobody spent so much time thinking about various genders. Is “Gender casual” a type of gender that they invented recently?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    I think it's weird to put a lot of thought into your gender. 

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