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Why doesn't the media report that the United States is doing more testing than nearly every major country in the world?


It is a verifiable fact that the US is doing more testing per 1000 people than any major country except Russia (if you believe the Russia numbers).  That is fact.

4 Answers

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    They don't want to give any "credit" to the current person who is overseeing America's response to the Chinese Virous because it demonstrates he has done more than going to China Town and telling everyone "noting to worry about, come on down" like Pelosi did.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    I tried to get a test and they told me the closest appointment was 3 weeks away.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    The US has a bigger population than most countries, so it would have to test more.

    Also what's it doing with those tests? If it's just collecting raw data, it's useful as a snapshot but most other countries use their tests as a trace system to help stem the infection.

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Because that's not true. It's not nearly every country in the world. America actually does more testing than absolutely every other country in the world. That is what the liberal media is reporting. Fox News just doesn't understand how numbers work. They think smaller numbers are bigger than big numbers. That's why Trump thinks he won the popular vote.

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