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Lv 6

How can you acquire faith?

33 Answers

  • 5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible says “Faith follows the thing heard,” (Romans 10:17) So the first step toward building faith is to hear what the Bible teaches. The more we study the Bible the more faith we will have in God and his promises.

    Another thing we can do is pray. We can ask God for faith.

  • 5 months ago

    Acquiring faith depends on the possession of the spirit or spirits. If you don't have that spirit, you cannot keep faith on someone. This is natural.

    Human beings are ruled by spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Certain situations and circumstances cause the possession of certain type of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. Often thinking and talking about good subjects with good imaginations can create positive effects in your life. Your favorable thoughts and beliefs can bring favorable spirits by your side. The more you think the more would be the possession of that spirit. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide.

    All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Only these spirits are the reason for the good and bad happening in your life. These spirits determine your destiny from your daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Spirits are separate elements. A human being doesn't have a spiritual body. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. These spirits are your consciousnesses and memories. Even thoughts are not your own. For example, when you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. Brain is just a media to connect the spirits to your mind. A mind is just a computer's mind. After the destruction of a computer completely you will not get it's mind. The same is the case with the human beings. Soul is nothing but an energy needed for the functionality of a body. It is not a spirit or anything else. A body's functionality is based on the auto mechanism.  After death all spirits which accompanied a person quit and go to different places searching new bodies. No one lives after death in any form and there is no afterlife. All human beings are just robots made of flesh and bones and toys of the spirits for their games.

  • 5 months ago

    say to God - if you want, give me a faith

  • sarah
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Satan has hidden the truth in many false religions. We know how to find the truth Jesus said,

    Test them by their fruits? So any religion that says it is okay to kill others is not from God.

    He brought the flood in Noah's day because the people were so violent. So any religion that does

    not leave the judging of others up to god is not from God. God told Adam "for dust you are and to dust

    you will become. So hell is the grave. Why keep someone alive just to torture them. That is from

    Satan to make humans hate God. So find a religion that does not kill others, and does not teach lies.

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  • 5 months ago

    Only by obeying all of Jesus' sayings .

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    You can't have faith in someone until you know them. Who would have faith in a stranger? Which is why Jesus Christ founded a Church, said it was to remain one, and promised that one Church the fullness of God's truth. Through His Church we can meet Him, come to know Him, develop a relationship with Him.

  • 5 months ago

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

  • 5 months ago

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God - and that's the end of it because God's Word is truth. (Romans 10:17)

  • 5 months ago

    The Bible says that "faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Ah, but there are some false prophets and teachers going around who claim to explain the message about Christ to you, but somehow you end up having faith in their religious system, not in the person of Christ. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit has, as one gift, faith, given to all who turn to Christ and cry out for saving faith in Him.

    Source(s): Romans 10:17
  • 5 months ago

    To develop faith and trust in someone, you need to know him and to learn how he thinks and acts. This process involves the heart as well as the mind. It is really the same when it comes to developing true faith in God. You need to get to know him, to learn about his qualities and his personality, to find out how trustworthy and dependable he has proved to be in all that he has said and done.​—Psalm 9:10; 145:1-21.Without God’s Word it is impossible to build real faith. It is only through the pages of the Bible that Jehovah presents his side of things, so to speak. He sheds light on such perennial questions as why he has permitted suffering and pain and what he will do about the situation. (Psalm 119:105; Romans 15:4)It is not enough, however, simply to have a Bible or even to believe that it is inspired. “Faith,” writes the apostle Paul, “follows the thing heard.” (Romans 10:17) Hearing the Bible, not just having a Bible, is what builds faith. You “hear” what God has to say by reading and studying his Word. Even young ones can do this. Paul says that “from infancy” Timothy was taught “the holy writings” by his mother and grandmother. Does this suggest that some kind of brainwashing was involved? No! Timothy was not manipulated or deceived in any way. He was “persuaded to believe” what he heard and read.​—2 Timothy 1:5; 3:14, 15.

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Faith follows belief, therefore endeavor to search out truth.

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