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 What should they do about VAR.?

  The VAR system has caused some confusion with the officials, they are not using it properly. What do you think ?.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Scrap it and start over with the following as foundations:

    1) It should be used to correct obvious mistakes.

    2) The referee should be the one asking for the review (other than goal line issues i.e. did the ball go over the line or not).

    3) Communication between VAR and the referee should be able to be heard by fans; they should both be watching the same thing.

    4) There should be a 30 second time limit for reviews (if you can't find the obvious mistake, go with the referee's decision).

    5) The referee needs to explain what he/she wants reviewed.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    for me VAR has been nothing but a miserable failure and a big fecking joke. but its no joke for the manager whose team suffers due to some idiot in a room deciding if a player handballed it or not - and its this mans decision.

    its just the same as normal referring except hes reviewing it on a tv and pressing the green or red button.

    this is not revolutionary technology its a farce.

    how could they have got it so wrong ?

    look at cricket, they have hawkeye and the 3rd empire etc

    that is 99.999999% perfect in making a call if a batsman is out or not, be it lbw decisions or runnouts.

    obviously its a different sport altogether but they even have technology that uses thermal imaging to detect if the batsman 'edged' the ball or not,  the feintest of edges and the technology will get it. 

    i think its high time we left it to computers to figure it out - computers don't lie, computers don't care either which is why they won't cry like little babies when their team gets beaten in an fa cup or champions league final due to a controversial penalty lol

    only a fool will argue with technology of that type.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    They should scrap it and start again when it is more of a fairer system and every team in the PL agrees to it.

    Let the referee run the game along with his 2 linesmen and change back the linesman role and enable him to run up and down the whole side of the pitch. There, sorted 

  • F
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    There are two separate issues, offside and handball.

    Everyone keeps moaning about offside being given when “ he’s only an inch offside”. Offside is offside, otherwise where do you draw the line? 6 inches? A yard? 19 yards? 

    There have been a few stupid ones, a player pointing , so his arm is offside. I think the law needs to be either where the feet are or maybe there has to be clear daylight between the players.

    Handballs are being given because they look worse in SLO mo. If a ball is hit at you at 60mph from from 5 yards away, that gives you approx 1/6 th of a second to react. No ones reactions are that quick so it’s impossible to deliberately handle the ball  in that case. But slow it down 10x and now it looks like the defender now has 1.6 seconds which is pretty easy to react.

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  • 5 months ago

    Leave as is and draw a definitive line in the sand. Back the technology against the Luddite offensive

  • 5 months ago

    VAR needs to have some changes made to it, but that won't happen till next summer, if at all.

  • Adam
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    Referees having faced years of over the top criticism for getting decisions wrong now have a tool which allows them to get every decision correct to the letter of the law. They are overusing that to save them the hassle of the over the top criticism. The problem is not with the technology or the referees, its how fans, pundits managers and players treat referees. The lack of new referees coming into the game is the thing that will eventually harm British football more than anything else. And looking at the treatment they get, would you do it?

  • 5 months ago

    setting down deep roots, and after its introduction end of the week in the Premier League it is as of now causing discussion and partitioning sentiment. 

    Despite the fact that VAR functioned admirably concurring the Premier League's own standards and observed the laws precisely, there was a lot of teeth-snapping about what it implies for the game starting now and into the foreseeable future. 

    So how can it work and what would we be able to expect as the season advances? 

    What is VAR - and what does it rely on? 

    The Video Assistant Referee framework, known as VAR, is football's first utilization of video innovation to arrive at more right choices. The framework was tested in the FA and Carabao Cups in every one of the last two seasons, and has just been utilized in Italian and German group football just as the 2018 World Cup. 

    You are simply the VAR: put in the video right hand ref's shoes with our novel intuitive game

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