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bluesky asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 5 months ago

How many percent of Americans can believe in Oswald killed JFK on his own?

To be honest, I belive in Oswald was innocent. He didn't do anything against JFK. He was just SCAPEGOAT. 

Also, I've seen the movie JFK to many times. I agree with Oliver Stone's oppinion against assassination of JFK.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    It's important to understand that the movie JFK is fiction.  It contains immense amounts of lies, untruths, and made up stuff.  Stone also deletes a lot of things which would make the scenario proposed by Jim Garrison (the Kevin Costner character), a scenario apparently endorsed by the movie, look less plausible.  Watch JFK for an entertaining film, but watching it for history would be like watching Conan the Barbarian to learn about Medieval Europe. 

    Instead you should seek out some reputable books and documentaries on the Kennedy assassination.  I'd recommend first an episode of the PBS program NOVA from a couple of years ago called "Cold Case JFK" where they had two modern day ballistics experts look at the shooting evidence in the case. 

    The evidence against Oswald is overwhelming.  There's zero chance that he's innocent and while proving a negative is tough, there's no evidence that anyone else knew about or was involved in his assassination scheme beforehand.  Nor would it have required any help from anyone. 

    We know for sure that it's Oswald from a number of factors.  From the ballistic evidence we know that the shots which killed hit Kennedy came from an area centered on the sixth floor window of the Texas Schoolbook Depository where the police would find Oswald's gun.  (Contrary to the film, which misrepresents some of the staging, the single bullet theory is ballistically entirely possible, and even likely.)  We also know that the shots came from there because a group of employees of the TSBD who were gathered on the fifth floor heard the shots coming from directly above them.  Oswald was last seen before the assassination on the sixth floor and was not seen anywhere else until after the assassination.  IIRC at least two witnesses on the street saw a man matching Oswald's description in the sixth floor window just before the assassination.  The police found a rifle, with Oswald's prints on it, and a stack of boxes around the window which also had Oswald's prints on it.  When Oswald came into work that morning he had a long thin package with him, such as might contain a rifle.  He told a friend who gave him a ride that they were "curtain rods".  The police found the wrapping for the package discarded on the sixth floor but did not find any curtain rods or any other objects, other than the rifle, which might have been in the package.  Oswald left the Depository within minutes of the shooting, narrowly escaping the police lockdown of the building.  Oswald told the police that he left because he assumed that work would be canceled after the shooting, but he never asked for permission to leave, never confirmed that work was canceled, and his precipitous decision to flee the scene seems more like the actions of a guilty man than someone who was innocent.  Later that day, Oswald was stopped by a Dallas Police officer JD Tippett.  When Tippett got out of his car to speak to Oswald, Oswald shot him with a revolver.  Oswald actually began to leave, but came back and shot Tippett again to make sure he was dead.  Multiple witnesses saw Oswald shoot Tippett and IIRC three or four of them picked him out of a lineup.  Needless to say, innocent people don't gun down cops.  Oswald tried to shoot more cops when they came to arrest him in the movie theater where he was hiding (The film JFK omits this fact to make Oswald seem more innocent).  When they police searched Oswald they found that he had two sets of photo ID on him, one in his own name and the other in the name of an "Alec Hiddel".  They were able to trace the gun which killed Kennedy as having been ordered through he mail by an "Alex Hiddel".  Oswald's picture was on  both IDs.  The film makes it seem unusual and unlikely that Oswald would have ordered the gun through the mail, which was traceable.  But he had bought it long before it was announced that Kennedy was coming to Dallas so he wasn't worried about covering his tracks.  This also explains the infamous photo of Oswald with the rifle, and also the pistol which he used to kill Officer Tippett.  The film JFK shows the photo being doctored, with conspirators placing Oswald's head on another man's body.  Many conspiracy theorists find this photo really suspicious because it conveniently links Oswald to the murder weapon.  But, again, Oswald wasn't planning to kill Kennedy yet so he had no reason to try and cover his tracks.  His wife, Marina, testified under oath that she had taken the picture of Oswald with the guns.  The photographic negatives have been examined by a number of different organizations, including the House Select Committee on Assassinations (which concluded that there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy) and they've all concluded that the negatives are genuine.  Marina Oswald also testified under oath that she had seen her husband with the gun multiple times before the assassination. 

    So we know that Oswald owned the murder weapon.  We know that he was at the place where the shots were fired when they were being fired.  And we know that he fled the scene, murdered one cop, and tried to shoot more cops, after the shooting, evidence of a guilty conscience.  Short of a confession, it doesn't get more ironclad than that

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 months ago

    What you have to remember, is 85% of Americans also believed Saddam Hussein had WMD.

    "Americans overwhelmingly believed Saddam did have weapons of mass destruction: 85% said so, even though the inspectors had not uncovered those weapons.". .

    At the very least, over 50% claim Jesus is a Messiah.

    The amount of people that believe something they know nothing about, has absolutely no bearing on what is apparently right, or apparently wrong.

    "[a] In 1979, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.[10]". .

    Though, as we see above, there are certainly even members in the highest levels of US government that believe there was somekind of conspiracy at play.

    However, the last thing we need as a result of this, is yet more religiously held beliefs shared by the masses.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    Oswald was in on the assassination plot.

    He supplied the rifle that was found on the 6th floor of the TSBD, and he previously made an attempt to assassinate General Edwin Walker - resulting in failure.

    It was this failed attempt that indicated his innocence as the actual shooter of JFK since, if he couldn't aim accurately at a stationary target (Walker - though a window), there would have been no way for him to aim at a moving target with such accuracy.

    Being innocent of the actual shooting of JFK doesn't absolve his guilt, however.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    It was an operation and he was killed to tie up loose ends........dead men don't talk.

    A pattern I've noticed......of these mysterious right in your face killings.

    "Hiding in plain sight"........🤔

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  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    JFK took back control of the US dollar from the Central Bankers - the Fed 

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago


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