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Lv 6
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysThanksgiving · 4 months ago

Why are Christmas dinners the same as the ones for Thanksgiving?


I was talking about the type of FOOD that's served on both holidays.  

Update 2:

I never heard of Cornish Pasty, but the pictures of it online remind me of Chicken Pot Pie.  

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    basically, jews,buddhists,muslims pray head down to satan. during the night christian earthlybowdowns count 40 times more than daily earthlybowdowns. since, most of the time witches pray during the night against christians, it's best to pray at night ...maybe you could do 2000 christian earthlybowdowns.. notice that muslims-jews-buddhists stay head down which shows that they worship satan; christians have to get up super fast showing allegiance to Christ and not the devil. so, christian earthlybowdowns: u face east, legs together (so that demon don't run underneath ur legs); u look at the eyes of icon (energy goes ur way according to saint Pelageya of Ryazan); u make proper Orthodox sign of the cross (first three fingers together as if u had a pinch of salt in them; thumb always straight; ring and pinky to palm; firmly touch forehead: "in the name of the Father"; firmly touch 1cm above belly button: "and of the Son", raise hand to chest level and now move to right shoulder where there bones meet: "and of the Holy"; move to left shoulder: "Spirit. Amen"; release the fingers; hand down by ur side); u bow down on ur knees (knees together), then put hands together on the floor, then forehead on top of backofhands; as soon as ur forehead touches the back of hands, get up super fast showing allegiance to Christ (and not the devil). do 2000 times during the night against witches. 'cuz witches work hard for satan (by praying like three hours); you have to show them respect by outworking them; u feel me? but of course when u tired u could pray the Jesus prayer at least three times every hour (don't sleep 4 more than 1 hour; wake up and pray the Jesus prayer three times; then u can rest a little bit; in case witches pray real hard to satan, then u have to pray to Jesus as many times as possible); thank u; forgive me rudeness.

    Source(s): There is NO epidemic. There is NO pandemic. It's all bs. 5G kills as many people as gov't wants dead but COVID is blamed.Gov't will blame new deaths on people who didn't wear masks. COVID VACCINE will be MANDATORY. but COVID VACCINE = MARK OF THE BEAST (at worst) ... or it will work together with 5G to kill people (at best) for depopulation (population control of keeping population under 500 million as per Georgia Guidestones)...
  • donnie
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Because it’s good food 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Because the two holidays fall at the same time a year. I’ve never understood having Thanksgiving so close to Christmas. Thanksgiving needs to be Fourth of July.  

  • 4 months ago

    Lack of imagination.  Fortunately, I'm British and don't have to worry about such things - I had Cornish Pasty for dinner.

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  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Family reunions are all the same in such holidays.

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